Hillary made it OK to talk about crazy preachers

Preachers say stupid things all the time. Jerry Falwell after 9/11 blamed America for the attacks, I think he said something to the effect that 9/11 was gods punishment for homsexuality. I think it was McCains main man John Hagee who blamed hurricane Katrina on Mardi Gras. These are not rational people, but until now it has been hard to critisize them without being called anti-christian.  Obamas preacher Jeremiah Wright is also a nut job, but until Hillary called him out on it, no one with any stature had the guts to critisize a religious figure. Yes, I am going to give Hillary credit for having political courage, sure it was mostly the product of desperation but in the end she has done someting useful.

Until now anything a religious person says has been given a certain status that it does not deserve, mostly because of the high regard most Americans have for faith.  People can always say “god made me do it” this excuse didn’t work for Andrea Yates and it should not work for Hagee or Wright.  The excuse might work for Falwell as if their is a hell I am sure he is discussing what god made him do at this very moment.  I know that many religious people point out the good things that religious groups do like feeding the homeless, sponsoring orphans and a whole host of other good deeds, but that doesn’t excuse the child molestors in the Catholic church or the blame the homosexuals crowd like Falwell.  The good deeds could still happen without molesting children. 

Hillary made it OK to critisize Jeremiah Wright, a man of the cloth, and it seems to be making all religious figures fair game.. I have been pretty critical of Hillary but on this point she may have done some good.

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