Monthly Archives: May 2008

You Fucking Crybaby Suckers

You volunteered for the military, so eat shit and be thankful for it! This guy is arguing that since a teenager volunteered for the Army, it means they really want to be a soldier for the rest of their life…right…no … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Politics, Video | 1 Comment

New and improved GI billl

I am amazed that this has been controversial, this seems like a no-brainer, apparently both Bush and McCain are no-brainers: …the new G.I. Bill has strong bipartisan support in Congress. The House passed it by a veto-proof margin this month, … Continue reading

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Americans driving less

Looks like the market might work sometimes after all: The Department of Transportation said figures from March show the steepest decrease in driving ever recorded. Compared with March a year earlier, Americans drove an estimated 4.3 percent less — that’s … Continue reading

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Vegitarian terrorists

The FBI is trying to recruit informants of the vegitarian variety: What they were looking for, Carroll says, was an informant—someone to show up at “vegan potlucks” throughout the Twin Cities and rub shoulders with RNC protestors, schmoozing his way … Continue reading

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How may superdelegates have taken the money?

Looks like someone is trying to buy a few superdelegates. One of Sen. Hillary Clinton’s top financial supporters offered $1 million to the Young Democrats of America during a phone conversation in which he also pressed for the organization’s two … Continue reading

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Cheap food starts with cheap labor

After reading this article it is hard to see how the meat packing industry can function without cheap labor. At the same time it is not fair for the immigrants who come here, like this guy: At St. Bridget’s Catholic … Continue reading

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Mending fences

Looks like the Clinton and Obama camps are starting to come together Aronchick said that in his own discussions, he emphasized the need for the senator from Illinois to stop describing Clinton and her backers as representing the politics of … Continue reading

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The latest farm bill

The latest farm bill definitely has some pork to it.

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McCain has a problem

Ok He has a alot of problems but a big one for him is how does he keep the republican base of right wing cultural conservatives while still appealing to moderates. Kevin Drum says he can’t. McCain and the Republican … Continue reading

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Why do Republicans love Iran?

The Iran-Contra scandal sounds pretty interesting. McCains role in the scandal also sounds pretty interesting. Another thing, it  seems that the only country that has benefitted from the invasion f Iraq is Iran as basically they now have a friendly … Continue reading

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The Wire

Pretty much the day after surgery I started watching season 2 of The Wire and I just finished season 4 last night.  Season 3 was probably the best, one of the funniest scenes had to be Snoop buying the nail … Continue reading

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Taking responsibility fo Bush

Ezra Klein looks at how we got Bushed and asks if the country has learned its lesson. My guess is “no”. Conservatives like Grover Norquist and other architects of Bush’s failed administration will never admit that conservitism is a failure. … Continue reading

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Food prices and immigration

For a while now people have been talking about rising food prices. I wonder how much of price increase can be attributed to stronger enforecment of US immigration laws. It seems like many jobs that involve food production also use … Continue reading

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Things look good for the Democratic nominee

Mattew Yglesisias takes on the electibility argument This part here makes a lot of sense: This business of Travis Childers winning an extremely Republican district on the heels of two other Democratic special election wins drives home how infuriating the … Continue reading

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Einstein was an atheist

I got this via Albert Einstein described belief in God as “childish superstition” and said Jews were not the chosen people, in a letter to be sold in London this week, an auctioneer said Tuesday. The father of relativity, … Continue reading

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Another reason not support the unity ticket

The Clinton campaign has been mostly kept afloat by loans from the Clintons(Bill and Hillary) for quite some time now, she has loaned herself over $11 million. This money mostly came from Bill Clintons income as a paid speaker.  The … Continue reading

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Vasectemy update

It sort of feels like you’ve been kicked in the nuts, other than that it is not too bad

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High Gas Prices = Less Demand

Rove made this observation here…I found a nice chart on Think Progress pertaining to this:

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Chuck Burgundy

Now that HBO is in a coma, this is probably my favorite show:

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One pooper-scoopers opinion of Hillary

In her latest incarnation Hillary Clinton has decided to become a working class hero. Her latest argument is that the white, working class loves her and they will support her in such droves that she is the only democrat who … Continue reading

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The new Rhwanda?

At some point this starts to look like a genocide where the weapon is a natural dissaster, although my guess is they are trying to get rid of some poor people rather than a specifc race: Myanmar’s junta seized U.N. … Continue reading

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Pharmacutical ads may be misleading

It’s about time someone started looking at the problems caused by drug ads: “It appears that we need to enforce significant restrictions on DTC (direct-to-consumer) ads to protect American consumers from manipulative commercials designed to mislead and deceive for the … Continue reading

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A combination of incompetence and arrogance

After reading this it is hard to blame Obama for the demise of Hillary Clinton, one way or another Hillary and her band of merry pranksters were going to blow the election, better she did it in the primaries and … Continue reading

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It’s not that high

Everybody is down on this guy for acting like a college student.  Tyler Hansbrough has probably brought millions of dollars into to the school, given they are not paying him, he should be allowed to act like a student when … Continue reading

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Ticking Time Bomb

How many of these scenarios have there ever actually been?

Posted in Al Swearengen, History, Justice | 1 Comment

If Hillary was the nominee?

After last night it seems extremely unlikely that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee.  If last night had gone differentely and she won both North Carolina and  convincingly won Indiana, I probably would have admitted that Obama could not … Continue reading

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Hillary made it OK to talk about crazy preachers

Preachers say stupid things all the time. Jerry Falwell after 9/11 blamed America for the attacks, I think he said something to the effect that 9/11 was gods punishment for homsexuality. I think it was McCains main man John Hagee … Continue reading

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Zero sum populism

I have been trying to understand the Hillary gas tax holiday, I know it was McCains idea and then Hillary decided to make it her own.  Bill Clinton was a master at taking good ideas and making them his own, Hillary … Continue reading

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Hillarys derby pick

Kevin Drum was the first person to notice her pick A CONTEST….Let’s have a contest. As we all know, Hillary Clinton chose filly Eight Belles to win the Kentucky Derby today. Instead, EB came in second and then had to … Continue reading

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Buffett Says Credit Crisis Ebbs for Wall Street Firms

By Josh P. Hamilton and Betty Liu – May 3 (Bloomberg) — Warren Buffett, chief executive officer of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., said the global credit crunch has eased for bankers, and the Federal Reserve probably averted more failures by helping … Continue reading

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