Monthly Archives: April 2008

The new thing

The final assignment was turned in at 2:34AM this morning, and the paper that says I have attained the rank of B.S. in our society will be here soon.  It couldn’t come a moment too soon.  The job I started … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen | 8 Comments

Values voters and their sweatshop loving congressman

Senate candidate Bob Schaffer went to the Mariana Islands in 1999 on what he called a fact finding tour in which he claimed he was going to investigate some of the nations notorious sweatshops, others have called it a Abramoff funded … Continue reading

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Racist hysteria

The right wing has been making a big deal about an alleged attack by hispanics on a white teen. Turns out the white student made the whole thing up. An eighth-grader lied when she claimed a mob of angry students … Continue reading

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The Turning Point

Senator Voinovich A big moment…

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Why does Hillary want this man to be president?

The New York Times has a lengthy article on McCain and his Neo-con friends The concerns have emerged in the weeks since Mr. McCain became his party’s presumptive nominee and began more formally assembling a list of foreign policy advisers. … Continue reading

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The man hillary thinks should be president

John McCain doesn’t need to know the difference between Sunni and Shiite groups because he has been to Iraq? at least that seems to be his latest spin on his recent gaffes regarding the two sects of Islam. Sen. John … Continue reading

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I’ve got a trade on the way

Selling at least half of the gold. Buying Transocean (w/in a week or two), natural gas producers (basket – ETF, Russian play, NGS?), BAM (Brookfield Asset Management), long Yen short USD (looking for an ETF)…selling 15% of the IAU shares … Continue reading

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Free trade agreements

Looks like Bill Clinton is a big supporter of free trade agreements and has lobbied for the same Columbian orginizations that Mark Penn worked with before he was “fired” from the Clinton campaign. On Sunday evening, Sen. Hillary Clinton’s chief … Continue reading

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How to be fat

I am not a nutritionist but this all sounds like really bad advice McDonalds is the big winner in this “health food” comparison, suggesting that an egg McMuffin is a good way to start the day seems almost criminal.

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Obama sounds like he wants to end the Iraq quagmire

One of the highlights Crocker/Petreus hearings, via Obama was able to hit Petraeus and Crocker very hard….He got Petraeus to agree with him that the total elimination of Al Qaeda is an impossible standard for withdrawal. Next he goes … Continue reading

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The McCain report

John McCain’s nic name in high school was Mcnasty, and he has a few names for his wife, trollop and cunt.  In the next month or so everyone will be able to read about the straight talker in a book … Continue reading

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Beef, its whats rotting your brain

Looks like mad cow disease might be coming to a cranium near you.

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My Kitchen is a sweatshop?

This article talks about the hazards of blogging and compares the working conditions of bloggers to sweatshops. I have never worked in a sweatshop, but I do spend a fair amount of time trying to be a blogger and I can … Continue reading

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Hillary on Iraq: I was for it while I was against it

Hillary is claiming that she apposed the Iraq war before Obama Of coures that is not exactly true: In Eugene, Ore., Saturday. Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., attempted to change the measure by which anyone might assess who criticized the Iraq … Continue reading

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Mark Penn fired!!

Unfortunately not by Clinton, but by the Columbian government. Looks like the Columbian government has better judgement than Hillary.

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Hillary’s parellel universe

Sounds like Hillary Clinton has a story in her latest stump speech that is not exactly true: Over the last five weeks, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York has featured in her campaign stump speeches the story of a … Continue reading

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Another Bosnian moment?

I just heard a little bit of Hillary Clinton talking at the site of Martin Luther King’s shooting.  She said something about wearing a black armband at her school and working to recruit minority students after the shooting.  I am … Continue reading

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Randi Rhodes

I guess you can’t have a radio show and be controversial at the same time…she should sue Air America. To me it looks like she’s doing an appearance somewhere. So if her contract doesn’t stipulate what she can and cannot … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Politics, Video | 1 Comment

All boomers have PTSD?

Digby is one of the smartest and best writers on the web. With that said, I think she has  unintentionally figured out what is wrong with the baby-boom generation and perhaps given an example of the problem with the lamest generation. … Continue reading

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Maybe Hillary needs to fire Mark Penn

TPM election central has the details: In what could become Hillary Clinton’s own version of the NAFTA-Gate controversy that caused Barack Obama so much trouble a month ago, top Clinton strategist Mark Penn reportedly met on Monday with the Colombian … Continue reading

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why Obama is better

In a lengthy piece by Spencer Ackerman He shows why foreign policy would be very different with Obama as president than either Hillary Clinton or John McCain. These two paragraphs provide a nice summary of the differences between Obama and … Continue reading

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The putrid corpse of Don Imus rises from the dead

I did not know that Imus was back on the air, more importantantly it appears John McCain was happy to fellate him back to life: John McCain told Don Imus this morning that he has begun “getting together a list … Continue reading

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