Hillary has a few scores to settle

From Newsweek via TPM

I’m beginning to think Hillary Clinton might pull this off and wrestle the nomination away from Barack Obama. If she does, a lot of folks—including a huge chunk of the media—will join Bill Richardson (a.k.a. Judas) in the Deep Freeze. If the Clintons get back into the White House, it will be retribution time, like the Corleone family consolidating power in “The Godfather,” where the watchword is, “It’s business, not personal.”

Not that anyone will be sleeping with the fishes with Hillary in the White House, but with the Clintons it’s business and it’s personal. Just think of all the scores to settle, the grievances to indulge. Bill Clinton provided a preview this week, blaming the Obama campaign for playing the race card against him. Tricky maneuver, but perhaps the only way the former president can come to grips with his loss of standing in the African-American community, once his strongest constituency. (South Carolina Rep. James Clyburn, an undeclared superdelegate who is African-American, told the New York Times this week that the black community had supported Clinton during his impeachment and that “I think black folks feel strongly that this is a strange way [for him] to show his appreciation.”)

Given that Obama has taken more liberal positions on most issues it seems likely that more traditionally liberal groups have supported him. Thia means that most traditionally liberal groups can look forward to Clinton retribution. It would not surprise me if Clinton starts a war with Iran just to show the anti-war crowd what happens when you go against Hillary.
The Clintons are starting to seem more like people who value personal loyalty above all else, which is really another way of saying they value themselves above all else.

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