Other countires refuse tainted US meat

Some foreign countries are refusing to import US beef until the US bans “downer cows” Maybe they could just serve all the the meat from downer cows to US school children and export the good stuff to other countries where their governments are concerned with the welfare of their citizens.

The Humane Society has sued to enforce a complete ban on downers, and some in Congress have supported legislation to accomplish the same thing.

“This is a welcome step forward,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., author of a bill to enact a total downer ban. “These organizations represent a substantial portion of the industry, and this is a responsible move on their part.”

The American Meat Institute and the National Meat Association said they would encourage companies to enact a voluntary moratorium until the Agriculture Department changes the rule.

“Allowing the current rule to remain in force could ultimately undermine the confidence of U.S. consumers and foreign customers, in markets that are proving difficult to reopen in the first place,” said AMI President and CEO J. Patrick Boyle.

Some industry watchdogs were skeptical.

“It’s taken our trading partners to force them into doing the right thing,” said Tony Corbo of Food & Water Watch, a Washington, D.C., advocacy group. He noted that South Korea agreed last week to resume U.S. beef imports only after pressuring the U.S. to strengthen controls on feed to reduce chances of infection. A proposed Food and Drug Administration rule to accomplish those changes had been pending for months.

It is sad foreign government have to force the US beef industry to improve their products safety.
The entire article can be seen here

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