Bills politics without empathy

One of these days I am going to stop writing about why Hillary Clinton is not winning the nomination, until then here is another snippet, from TPMcafe, as to why Hillary does not seem to be winning the hearts and minds of America:

But what is clear in both in my memory and my notes is that there was extensive, hard-nosed discussion about why masses of voters did not support Clinton or trust government or base their choices on economic as opposed to what people saw as peripheral life-style concerns. Hillary Clinton was among the most cold-blooded analysts in attendance. She spoke of ordinary voters as if they were a species apart, and showed interest only in the political usefulness of their choices — usefulness to the Clinton administration, that is.

I vividly remember at the time finding it impressive that Bill Clinton (not Hillary Clinton) showed real empathy for the ordinary people whose motives and supposedly misguided choices were under analysis. Ironically, just as Barber reported, Bill Clinton was the one who combined analysis and empathy, much as Obama himself did in his full San Francisco remarks.

In the end it seems pretty clear that Hillary does not care about people that are not useful to her, and she seems to surround herself with people like Solis-Doyle and Penn who seem to share her lack of caring. It seems like the reason Clintonian politics worked for Bill Clinton and are not working for Hillary is that she really doesn’tcare about the people involved in her policies and it shows when she trys to get people to support her.

With that said I have been working on a piece about why I think Hillary would be a good choice for VP, mostly I think she would be a good attack dog and at some point Obama will have to do something to bring the party together. That will probably mean either a cabinet post for Hillary or offering her the VP spot. Many people are very loyal to the Clintons I worked with one at a voter registration drive today, and something needs to be done so they don’t see Obama as intentionally humiliating Hillary. Mr Obama is probably going to need all of his political skills for that one.

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