The new thing

The final assignment was turned in at 2:34AM this morning, and the paper that says I have attained the rank of B.S. in our society will be here soon.  It couldn’t come a moment too soon.  The job I started in November is going very well.  Now, if you combine the two ranks together, it’s ‘B.S. Investment Analyst’.

I had actually been working on a book with someone last year, but it died on the vine.  I’m now working on a team that manages institutional bond funds…I write software and study the market.  The key to the business, as I understand it so far, is in being able to come up with good ideas.  For me that is much more relevant on the technology side, but having studied finance as a hobby for so long, I can understand more of this dialect right away than I would have otherwise.

Kevin Garnet will play his first playoff game as a Celtic in about two weeks.

My daughter will be born on May 1st.

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8 Responses to The new thing

  1. John Rove says:

    Congradulations are in order, the rank of BS is very important. Not to mention the rank of FA, especially when it comes with a pay check.

    A daughter on the way as well. No one will ever accuse you of being anti-child. I still think I should be able to sell my child free credits but so far I don’t have any takers.

  2. Wow, I can’t believe I’m coming up on 2 decades since I had to deal with that college thing …

    (And JR, I think your child-free credits are actually negative fair value).

    Best wishes (and God’s providence, if you’ll accept it)!

  3. john Rove says:

    I have been thinking about returning to school and getting a degree that I would use, maybe journalism. That would probably mean an end to all my run on sentences.

  4. If some of that providence will help me out on a CFA exam, I’ll take it!

    John, an end to all OF my run-on sentences

  5. Sonicrusk says:

    I didn’t even know the missus was pregnant, nor the impending closeness of I am truly out of the loop.

  6. Bayrak says:

    do you know any information about this subject in other languages?

  7. Finn says:

    Just wanted to thank you for your comments on my blog regarding Ben Stein. I will have to take a look around here and see what Dead Issue is all about.

    And it seems you are in the middle of happy life changes, and it’s always good to see someone doing well. Congrats on all your efforts. Babies are fun.

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