The McCain report

John McCain’s nic name in high school was Mcnasty, and he has a few names for his wife, trollop and cunt.  In the next month or so everyone will be able to read about the straight talker in a book called The Real McCain.

Also, Matthew Yglesias has this to say about McCain’s clueless foreign policy:

Meanwhile, he’s saying all kinds of crazy stuff. For some reason he thinks that if we leave that would “almost certainly require us to return to Iraq or draw us into a wider war.” He’s also now claiming he doesn’t want our troops to stay in Iraq for a minute longer than is necessary, when the Bush administration is already moving toward a permanent presence — a goal he’s specifically endorsed in the past. McCain said the Maliki government is moving to disarm all militias, which isn’t true. And he keeps portraying backing Maliki as some kind of anti-Iranian measure when there’s just no reason to see it that way.

John McCain does not seem to have any idea what he is talking about, and you start to wonder if his nasty disposition led to his wifes drug abuse. As the election gets closer people are going to start asking harder questions of John McCain, and other than making threats and spewing venom it is doubtful that he has any answers..

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