Monthly Archives: April 2008

Hillary makes her party switch official

She definitely campaigns like a Republican

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The failure of Christianity, the Wright revenge tour

Reverend Wight is going around the country talking about how America has failed god Maybe it is the other way around, maybe religous belief has failed America and mankind in general. Pretending that their is an all knowing being who … Continue reading

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“Unity” ticket? If you want President McCain

I have been hearing this from a lot of Hillary supporters: If Democrats are going to win the White House in November, they need a shotgun wedding in June. This is not something that either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton … Continue reading

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The Reverend Wright Gambit

It’s hard to get around the fact that this is an example of Obama playing on the stupidity of the media to get Hillary off of the television screen.  It is a fact that by having him up in front … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Politics | 1 Comment

Good news for Obama, Democrats and the country

This should be the end of Hillary, she will not be the leader in pledged delagates or leading in the popular vote on June 3rd. “The rules say [superdelegates] can make up their mind in August if they want to, … Continue reading

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How to use a phone

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Hillary has a few scores to settle

From Newsweek via TPM I’m beginning to think Hillary Clinton might pull this off and wrestle the nomination away from Barack Obama. If she does, a lot of folks—including a huge chunk of the media—will join Bill Richardson (a.k.a. Judas) … Continue reading

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Terrorist leader calls for jihad in Denver

Rush Limbaugh always a class act: Talk show host Rush Limbaugh is sparking controversy again after he made comments calling for riots in Denver during the Democratic National Convention this summer. He said the riots would ensure a Democrat is … Continue reading

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Colbert on Hillarys quagmire

Steven Colbert may go down as the greatest pundit ever

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As the Dollar plummets so does the American way of life

I don’t think anyone expected this: The two biggest U.S. warehouse retail chains are limiting how much rice customers can buy because of what Sam’s Club, a division of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., called on Wednesday “recent supply and demand trends.” … Continue reading

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Proud to be a liberal

This presidental campaign has been souring me on politics and specificaly democratic politics, (Hillary please quit before the democrats lose an entire generation of voters) But then I read about sweatshop Bob  and listen to some of the rightwingers that try … Continue reading

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Other countires refuse tainted US meat

Some foreign countries are refusing to import US beef until the US bans “downer cows” Maybe they could just serve all the the meat from downer cows to US school children and export the good stuff to other countries where … Continue reading

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McCain is looking weaker and weaker

As this article shows McCain is not a strong candidate. He is starting to look like a philandering buffoon who is mostly interested in helping his friends make money at the expense of the taxpayers. In other words he is … Continue reading

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Hillarys Kyl-Lieberman vote was not an aberation

From TPM Election central “I want the Iranians to know that if I’m the president, we will attack Iran,” Clinton said. “In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be … Continue reading

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McCain has a temper???

McCain has anger issues and Lieberman finds it sexy: Former senator Bob Smith, a New Hampshire Republican, expresses worries about McCain: “His temper would place this country at risk in international affairs, and the world perhaps in danger. In my … Continue reading

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Bills politics without empathy

One of these days I am going to stop writing about why Hillary Clinton is not winning the nomination, until then here is another snippet, from TPMcafe, as to why Hillary does not seem to be winning the hearts and … Continue reading

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Light at the end of the tunnel??

More Super-delegates including Sam Nunn and David Boren have come out for Obama. Infact the AP says, “Obama appears on track to finish the primary campaign fewer than 100 delegates shy of the 2,025 needed to win.” I hope this … Continue reading

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The rational consumer myth

I got this from Ezra Klein I can’t find the article on the Mother Jones web site, but the new issue has a piece by Paul Roberts (author of the terrific book the End of Oil, and the forthcoming “End … Continue reading

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Please spay and neuter your children.

I have been worried that I might sprain my ankle so I think I will have my legs removed Stephanie Queller was an unreconstructed glamour girl who worked as a fashion designer and wore Manolo Blahniks and rhinestone-studded tank tops. … Continue reading

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Bosnia and Back Again

Very well done…

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Obama on Last Night’s Debate

One cool customer…

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Is Hillary still a Democrat?

Talkleft seems to be arguing for unity, which might make sense if the eventual Democratic nominee were in doubt. It is not, Obama has a sizeable lead in pledged delagates as well as a lead in the popular vote. The … Continue reading

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Doctors losing credibility

This article points out that vaccines may lead to fevers which may in turn lead to neurological damage: … in November, the government conceded one of the claims. The parents of Hannah Poling have shown that she suffered a high … Continue reading

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Merck wrote the research & doctors signed it for money

JAMA published this today. Every one of these doctors need to provide answers to the medical community, and if they didn’t actually conduct the research they attached their name to, their medical license should be revoked. People are dead because … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Justice | 1 Comment

Best health care in the world

I got this Via Ezra Klien If you’ve never suffered the agony of low back pain, don’t worry—chances are you will. About two-thirds of adults are hit with low back pain at some time in their lives, and for many … Continue reading

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Hillarys trust issue

This pretty much describes my feeling towards Hillary Clinton. When the campaign started I thought she was a good candidate and a good person. Now I have doubts about her judgement and honesty. As this poll shows I am not … Continue reading

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Obama should know better

Obama responds to Hillarys claim of being a hunter “She’s running around talking about how this is an insult to sportsmen, how she values the Second Amendment, she’s talking like she’s Annie Oakley! Hillary Clinton’s out there like she’s on … Continue reading

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Something all parents need to consider

This is one of those you don’t know whether to laugh or cry: A couple arguing about which gang their 4-year-old toddler should join caused a public disturbance that resulted in the father’s arrest, Commerce City police said Thursday, reported … Continue reading

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Hillary is starting to sound like Mitt Romney

I got this from TPM I have been in meetings with the Clintons and their advisors where very clinical things were said in a very-detached tone about unwillingness of working class voters to trust government — and Bill Clinton — … Continue reading

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Hillary the hunter?

One of the worst moments of the 2004 election was when John Kerry went duck hunting.  The intent was to show that he was a manly man and just like any other blue collar guy, in the end he looked … Continue reading

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