Going off on a storm trooper

There’s this idiot over at Control Congress named bb who back in November agreed to wager on which party would win in 2008. I’ve been working hard lately, so the blog world is pretty much dead to me. Never forgetting about an opportunity to take money from a fool, I check back in after a long hiatus to remind everyone…and being the little baby that he is, of course he’s backing out. A couple of comments were posted, and then tonight I think about ten pounds of stress was unloaded in the span of under 200 words…here’s a taste:

bb, you thought you knew something about the world, and like most of the ideas you and other right-wingers push in lockstep year after year, when it’s time to act, you either:

bbA) Go through with it and end up looking foolish


B) Back out and go off to talk some more shit about something else you know nothing about

The Iraq war is a fine example of right-wingers putting their money where their mouth is, and look how that turned out. At least you can recognize the fact that you’re not smart enough to predict how things are going to turn out before you push in all of your chips…that said, knowing the right-wing mentality, no amount of failure and disaster will ever convince you of the fact that your thoughts and ideas are wrong.

You meddle in areas of seriousness, where adults are discussing important things, and slip in a dick joke (read: “* adverb adjective Liberal *”) every now and then.

Your bullshit is of no consequence to me – besides the scientific thrill of conducting an experiment to see precisely how full of it you actually are – so you can wipe your ass with that greenback in my honor and then stick it in the collection plate for all I care. I didn’t mean for you to mistake my engaging you in a wager as anything more than the opportunity to make some money…sincerely, I’d rather cut off my own feet than toss treats at your stupid repetitive yap from now until November.

To prevent this retard from somehow finding his way over here, I’ll just point you to ‘Control Congress’ on my blogroll. Rest assured, he’s by far the dumbest you’ll find over there. Everyone else is great, and most of them have a healthy sense of humor.

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