
I guess CNN scrubbed the transcript:

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3 Responses to ‘Cotton-pickin’

  1. John Rove says:

    Guys like Dobbs hate it when people talk about racism as discussing race exposes them for the racists they are. Especially Lou Dobbs who spends most his time trying to blame brown people for everything that he thinks is wrong with the world.

  2. I’ve read a couple of pieces on Dobbs over the years that haven’t been very flattering. His persona is less about what he believes than what would get him back into the game at the time…though, the word on the street is he’ll be dying of lung cancer soon enough. At the CNN building there’s no smoking indoors, so he takes it outside and goes through 4 or 5 in a row…check out the dude’s teeth next time you see him on a screen big enough to catch it…

  3. John Rove says:

    Too bad you canot smell someoes breath over the TV that would probably be the end of Dobbs.

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