Idiots not named Bush

The war on under-age drinking is getting out of hand, now not only is is a crime to drink if you are under 21 some people would like to see drinking out of red cups that may contain alcohol turned into a crime.

Dustin Zebro, 18, said he staged the party after friends at D.C. Everest High School got suspended from sports because of pictures showing them drinking from red cups.

The root-beer kegger was “to kind of make fun of the school,” he said. “They assumed there was beer in the cups. We just wanted to have some root beer in red cups and just make it look like a party, but there actually wasn’t any alcohol.”

Of course the fact that they were drinking root-beer didn’t stop the police from searching the house and giving breath tests to 90 students. The best part is a police officer trying to justify his stupidity.

Nearly 90 breath tests were done, and officers even searched locked rooms for hiding teens.

“It was a tremendous waste of time and manpower, but we still had a job to do, and our officers did it,” Joling said. “If one kid had come there, even hadn’t drank there, but had come there and had been drinking and had left and crashed and burned, then what would the sentiment be? Why didn’t the police check everybody out?”

Why not just give everyone in the country a breath test everyday. I pobably should not joke about that, somewhere their is proably some anti-drinking zealot trying to require breathalyzers on all vehicles sold in the US.

The entire article can be seen here

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