Buying super-delegates?

Some people do not seem to like the idea of the super delegates going along with the pledged delegates(after all the little people should not be allowed to decide elections)

Twenty top Hillary fundraisers and donors have sent a scathing private letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, chastising her for publicly saying that the super-delegates should support the winner of the pledged delegate count and demanding that she say that they should make an “independent” choice.

What kind of promises has Hillary Clinton made to these people that they are trying to blackmail the speaker of the house into helping Hillary get the nomination? Or, more to the point why are they trying to get cover so the super-delegates can overide the will of the a majority of people who voted in the primaries and caucus’s? Maybe they are hoping that for a “small” donation some of the super-delegates can be persuaded to vote for Hillary. Or maybe they figure just threatening to withhold funds in the future will be enough to get the super-delegates on their side.
This is politics at its worst, perhaps the most stunning thing about this letter is the sense of entitlement “we bought and paid for you, now you owe us” seems to be the tone of the letter. If tactics like this are allowed to succeed it proves all the things that people like Nader and all the cynics on the right have been saying, and will probably turn another generation off on politics and allow more self dealing people like Bush, McCain and Hillary to keep screwing the country for the benefit of a few rich donors.

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One Response to Buying super-delegates?

  1. Pissing in the wind…these assholes have too much money for their own good. It’s during moments like these that George Carlin’s description of the baby boomers comes to mind…’GIMME IT, IT’S MINE!!!’

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