being a slacker is part of my religion

What a jackass:

A state appeals court upheld sanctions Tuesday against a pharmacist who refused to dispense birth control pills to a woman and wouldn’t transfer her prescription elsewhere

Later in the story they try to paint the moron pharmacist as a victim becuase he can’t get a job.

Noesen said the discipline “critically devastated” his business as a traveling pharmacist because some pharmacies refused to hire him and he lost his liability insurance, court records said.

If you are apposed to doing your job, which in the case of a pharmacist is to dispense medication, you should get into a new line of work. It is interesting that this mans “morals” enabled him to do less work, seems like he using his religion as a an excuse to be lazy.
see the entire article here

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One Response to being a slacker is part of my religion

  1. This makes me happy.

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