Hillary Clinton claims to have faced sniper fire

I wonder if  This  will make into the mainstream news.  Hillary Claims to have faced sniper fire in Bosnia, yet their is no record of it anywhere.  A gaffe like this has the potential to sink her campaign, hopefully it will so that Obama can get to the important business of running against McCain.

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2 Responses to Hillary Clinton claims to have faced sniper fire

  1. The right-wingers would have been all over that back in the day…back before they realized that Obama-McCain is a battle they can’t win.

    I heard that Limbaugh was telling his listeners to vote for Hillary in state primaries. What does that tell you?

  2. John Rove says:

    Maybe Limbaugh has decided to become a Democrat.

    It is amazing that right-wingers can see the electoral train-wreck that is the Clinton campaign for what it is, the only way McCain becomes president, but some Democrats cannot.
    I think some people are blinded by Clinton nostalgia, Hillary is not Bill.

    One of the guests on Olberman tonight was talking about Hillary’s claims about helping negotiate a ceasefire in Ireland were more egregious than her Bosnian claims. I am starting to think Hillary Clinton believes her own hype.

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