Safer highways thanks to expensive diesel fuel

Truckers are slowing down to conserve fuel usually once a or twice a week I wind up driving a couple of hundred miles on the highway. Lately I have noticed that it is not as stressfull. Maybe part of that comes from the fact that trucks are not going by at 90 miles per hour. Maybe I should thank Bush and Cheney for making our roads safer.

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3 Responses to Safer highways thanks to expensive diesel fuel

  1. John Rove says:

    A friend of mine accused me of making this argument in bad faith(you know who you are)and maybe people driving less and slower was not an intended consequence of Bush’s energy policy, but it is still good thing even if it is unintentional.

  2. In Germany it’s illegal for trucks to travel in the left hand lane…it’s also illegal for anyone to stay in the left hand lane unless they’re passing.

    Both of those things made driving over there much less stressful!

  3. John Rove says:

    you gotta love the passive aggresive driver who gets in the left lane and makes everone go under the speed limit

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