Hopefully my last Hillary post

I have been trying not to talk about Hillary Clinton other than documenting her crush on John McCain(The three way love affair between her McCain and Leiberman is the the stuff of nightmares) but this article that I found Via Matthew Yglesias seems to good to pass up.  Hillary claims to have helped pass the family leave act, although the legislation was written while she was a first lady in Arkanasas. 

…anyone familiar with the law should have already realized Hillary’s very limited involvement. The non-profit organization the National Partnership for Women and Families originally drafted the bill, which was then championed in the House by former Colorado Congresswoman Pat Schroeder and in the Senate by Chris Dodd and Ted Kennedy. These three were at work trying to pass the FMLA from the late-1980s on, while the Clintons were in Arkansas and running a national campaign. So while Hillary did indeed have a history of involvement with work-family issues, she couldn’t have possibly been a big player in the original Beltway push to pass the FMLA.

In a general election McCain and the republicans would have a field day with this stuff, and unlike some of the stuff they said about Gore(he never claimed to have invented the internet) much of what they dig up on Hillary Clinton is true. She was a first lady. As such she did many first lady things but it does not seem like she had much to do with passing legislation. Very smart people are going to start looking at her calander and other documentation as to what she really did and it will probably not make her look like a commander and chief. By the time the right-wing is done with her it is going to look like all she did was bake cookies while her husband was off doing whatever with whomever.

Part of this is Clintons own doing, she does not seem to be very interested in policy or governing she mostly seems interested in getting elected, and even in that she seems to rely on her advisors way to much.  Hillary Clinton does seem to be like George Bush in that she is not engaged enough to understand when she is getting bad advice she seems to just do as she is told.  The country does not need four more years of George Bush, either in a panstsuit or with a bad white comb- ver.

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