Rules and agreements don’t matter

Most people have probably heard about Hillary Clinton endorsing John McCain, or at least claiming that he has crossed the threshold to be commander and chief, whatever that means.  Mathew Yglesias says the following:

There is, however, a deeper worry that this expresses. Why does Hillary Clinton think McCain would be a better foreign policy leader than Obama? Now I expect millions of people around the country to agree with Clinton about that in November. Millions of people will, I think, decide that invading Iraq was a good idea, that staying in Iraq indefinitely is a good idea, that pushing the envelop of confrontation with North Korea and Iran is a good idea, that refusing to abide by any of our treaty commitments is a good idea, etc. Those people will, naturally, conclude that McCain would be the better commander in chief. That’s inevitable. I expect those millions of Americans to be outnumbered by millions more who prefer Obama’s approach and who want to see America pulled back from the brink and back toward something like the liberal internationalist tradition that’s governed us at our best since the Second World War rather than to continue on the path of militarism and hegemonism that’s been responsible for the bulk of our mistakes.

The part that sticks out to me is where Hillary Clinton seems to agree that we as a country do not need to abide by any treaties or even international laws. She seems to to be running her campaign in much the same manner.  Any rule she doesn’t like she just ignores, at the beginning of the campaign she knew delagates from Florida and Michigan would not be seated and that candidates were not supposed to campaign in those states. all of the participants in the democratic primary knew and agreed to the rules and accept for Hillary Clinton the abided by the rules.  What Hillary do, she ignores the rules gets herself on the ballot in Michigan and campaigns in Florida and is now trying to get the from Michigan and Florida to count towards her nomination. This is very much like the last eight years where their was a complete disregard for laws and treaties, one can only assume that Hillary Clinton would govern in much the same way she has campaigned, I don’t think the country can handle four  more years of that.
Yglesias can be seen here

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