Sarah Connor blogging

While all the cool bloggers are talking about the Wire.  I thought someone should point out that in the Sarah Connor Chronicles the cliffhanger for the season finale involves the well being of Cameron, the terminator.  It is interesting that the writers of the show figured that more people would turn in next season to see what happens with Cameron than any of the other charactors.  Maybe the machines really have won.

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7 Responses to Sarah Connor blogging

  1. John Rove says:

    BTW I should probably mention that Cameron is also my favorite charactor on the show, so I guess the writers know their audience.

  2. The Wire is considered cool? I need to spend more time reading blogs…figures, when I’m housebound for 2 years, nobody but vanhelsing gave a damn…start working and just then the bandwagon pulls up.

    I couldn’t help myself…downloaded the final episode and watched it last night. So glad I did!

  3. John Rove says:

    I just finished season 1, I know I am sort of like Stan and Chinpoco man.

  4. nick says:

    Still haven’t started The Wire, I’ve had season 1 sitting here for about two years – I am looking forward to this:

    The Pacific

  5. John Rove says:

    The first season was really good. I need to go find the second season, my local Blockbuster only has season 1. I have heard that season 3 is the best.


    nick – thanks for finding that, I’m psyched.

    I’d have to hold onto the 4th season if I had to pick one of them. I’ve got the 1st, 2nd and 3rd seasons on DVD…2nd is still making its way through the office, 1st is on its way to Iraq…I think I’ve still got another copy of it though. Better than blockbuster would be to sign up for netflix…if you stick to it, you’ll have them all watched up in no time. Then cancel the account and you’re caught up for 30 bucks instead of 75 & late fees.

  7. nick says:

    I was thinking about the Flags of our Fathers / Letters from Iwo Jima thing when you said that, I didn’t even realize they were producing this until last week.

    Also if you get a chance Letters from Iwo Jima is excellent.

    After seeing Heartbreak Ridge I never thought Clint had directing in him, but it seems if he manages to stay out of the film they turn out pretty good!

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