Not ready on day one or ever

Could Clinton have run a worse campaign?

While the Hillary Clinton campaign has made the Ohio and Texas contests on March 4 into their new firewall, they have only recently discovered the arcane rules of delegate selection in Texas, which could potentially mean that even a substantial popular win translates into only a slight edge in delegates.

The Washington Post reports that Hillary strategists learned in a closed-door meeting this month about the Texas contest, which splits delegates among the state Senate districts and also between the primary and a caucus held that night. It’s ultimately a commentary on their lack of planning for a race lasting after Super Tuesday — when they thought they’d have the race locked up — that they have only just now learned of delegate rules that were of long-standing public knowledge.

At this point you have to wonder how someone who has presided over one of the worst presidential campaigns in history, a campaign that did not even seem to understand voting rules in Texas, can still believe that she is ready to be president. Hillary Clinton should consider getting out of the race before she does further damage to her reputation.

see the entire article here

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2 Responses to Not ready on day one or ever

  1. The campaign is top-heavy, with one megalomaniac souvenir after another…the Hillary “braintrust”, indeed a fitting result from someone with an insufferable 50 ‘ready on day one’ a-day habit.

    Presidents hire a lot of people. Big part of the job.

  2. John Rove says:

    Tonight was another misstep, where Hillary once again neglected to congradulate Obama on his victory in Wisconsin and started her speech so late that the networks preumpted her so they could cover Obamas victory speech.

    You really have to wonder what Hillary Clinton is thinking, I think people would have a little more sympathy for her if she would at least be a little gracious in defeat, or have the courtesy to start her concession speech on time. Maybe she could even concede during said speech, instaed of just trying to use the free air time to use the same tired line “ready to lead on day 1” and bash Obama for something that her and her cronies pulled out of their collective ass.

    When the campaign started I really believed Hillary Clinton would be a good president as this campaign has dragged and she has made bad decision after bad decision I have come to the conclusion that if Hillary Clinton somehow gets the nomination I would probably vote McCain.

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