Bill Clinton regrets “defending” Hillary

Bill Clinton claims he was defending his in the run-up to the South Carolina primary:

In an interview with a local news station in Maine, Bill Clinton admitted that he’d erred by over-zealously defending Hillary in the run-up to the South Carolina primary. Asked by a reporter if he regretted his perceived attacks on Obama, he replied…

Defending Hillary would have been an attempt to explain her support for the Iraq war, or explaining why she voted for Kyl-Leiberman or trying to defend any of the bad policies she has supported while in the senate. What Bill Clinton did was attack.  Now he regrets it, because it makes it harder for his wife to play the victim card which at this point is the only card she has left to play. I have always been a fan of Bill Clinton and at this point I wish he would go away, I can only imagine how his non-fans are starting to see him.

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One Response to Bill Clinton regrets “defending” Hillary

  1. John Rove says:

    As an add-on it seems that Hillary is turning into the Yoko Ono of politics, she doesn’t have much talent. And in much the same way Yoko Ono John Lennon duets made many people question John Lennon, people are starting to question Bill Clinton. BTW Bill is still my favorite Beatle.

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