The pity factor

Kevin Drum writes:

The other thing inside my head that I didn’t expect was that as the results came in, I found myself sort of rooting for Hillary. Why? Buyer’s remorse? Rooting for the underdog? Guilt for having “betrayed” her by voting for Obama? A feeling that although I preferred Obama, I really didn’t want to see Hillary humiliated? I think the last one is it, though I really don’t know. The human mind is a devious little lump of protoplasm, isn’t it?

I think that might be what is keeping Hillary Clinton in the race, no Democrat wants to see her humiliated, and by rejecting her as the nominee, Democrats are in some ways agreeing with the Rush Limbaughs of the world. The best thing for Obama to do is make it clear that Hillary Clinton would have a place in his administration or hint that she would make a good vice president. This way the better candidate can win the nomination without without humiliating Hillary.

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