Clinton campaign not making payroll

I got this from Raw story

Also, writes the LA Times: “According to a bulletin recently posted on Time magazine’s blog, The Page, some senior staff for Sen. Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign have begun working without pay to save money for the New York senator’s cash-crunched political effort. Those reportedly working without salary include campaign manager and longtime Clinton confidante Patti Solis Doyle.”

the Clinton campaign seems like it is circling the drain, this was a heavily favored candidate, who at this point cannot even raise enough money to pay staffers. It is not just that Hillary Clinton lacks funds what she is really missing is a record of accomplishment, or even a record of being on the right side of an issue. She had 7 years in the senate to accomplsh something or stand up for something. Instead she spent those 7 years enabling George Bush to start unneeded wars and run up huge deficits. Even if she had been a lone voice of reason given her high profile she could have been a big voice, but instead she took what she thought was the safe path.

The only reason I can see to support Hillary Clinton is that she has been the GOP punching bag for almost 20 years, but I think a safe senate seat is enough of a payback for that and the presidency should go to someone who deserves it.

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