Another example of Hillary’s poor judgement

I got this Via firedoglake:

Over 150 nations have signed the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty. It pains me that our great nation has not. But in the autumn of 2006, there was a chance to take a step in the right direction: Senate Amendment No. 4882, an amendment to a Pentagon appropriations bill that would have banned the use of cluster bombs in civilian areas.

Senator Obama of Illinois voted IN FAVOR of the ban.

Senator Clinton of New York voted AGAINST the ban.

I don’t see how anyone who claims to be a liberal or a progressive can support Hillary Clinton for president. In some ways it would be better to give Bush another four years than allow someone who while claiming to be a democrat supports and enables every mistake the Bush administration has made. Her judgement while in the senate has been abysmal, she is not ready to be president and she never will be.

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