Monthly Archives: February 2008

The irrational fear crowd votes republican

It is 3 am do you know where your president is? Hillary Clintons latest ad(you can see it here) Plays the fear card, the problem is the Republicans locked up the irrational fear crowd a long time ago. In fact … Continue reading

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Another example of farm welfare?

The USDA is refusing to ban “downer” cows from the food supply: Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer told Congress yesterday that he would not endorse an outright ban on “downer” cows entering the food supply or back stiffer penalties for regulatory … Continue reading

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Hillary Clinton once again takes the low road

Kevin Drum sumarizes last night democratic debate as follows Seriously, though, can someone please put a sock in Tim Russert? I didn’t even see the entire exchange, but his badgering of Obama on the Louis Farrakhan issue was pretty wretched. It … Continue reading

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Hopefully Hillary Clinton drops out after Texas

As the desperation of the the Clinton campaign intensifies the rhetoric gets more off the wall.  Last night on Countdown with Kieth Olberman they had several sound bites from Hillary Clinton.  In one of them she was being somewhat sarcastic … Continue reading

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Prozac doesn’t work

Looks like the millions or possibly billions of dollars spent on anti-depressants are probably wasted: Prozac, the bestselling antidepressant taken by 40 million people worldwide, does not work and nor do similar drugs in the same class, according to a … Continue reading

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McCain’s bluster

This is from a book written by Tucker Carlson Via Ezra Klien During his first run for office, McCain learned that one of his opponents had tracked down his first wife, looking for dirt. According to a political consultant who … Continue reading

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Straight talk express takes another detour

Mr McCain seems to be making the situation worse.  I have always thought that if Bill Clinton had just admitted the Lewinski affair the entire thing would have been over in a matter of days.  Maybe John McCain needs to … Continue reading

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Teflons John’s problem

I got this via mathew yglesias. Without the sex angle this story may not have got the play it deserves. In fact the enire thing is somewhat hard to follow. As near as I can tell John McCain went to … Continue reading

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Omar – RIP

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Not ready on day one or ever

Could Clinton have run a worse campaign? While the Hillary Clinton campaign has made the Ohio and Texas contests on March 4 into their new firewall, they have only recently discovered the arcane rules of delegate selection in Texas, which … Continue reading

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Alan Greenspan – Professional Douchebag

How much of an asshole is this guy? Bernanke and Paulson are testifying before Congress, the former having just slashed 125 basis points off the Fed rate faster than any central banker in history…every week brings out the discovery of … Continue reading

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Halliburton Steals Information from Petrobas (PBR)

If someone just made this story up… (Reuters) – Brazil’s state oil company Petrobras (PETR4.SA: Quote, Profile, Research)(PBR.N: Quote, Profile, Research), said Thursday that computers containing “important information” of oil and gas field research off the Brazilian coast were stolen. … Continue reading

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Brady Quinn in a altercation at a gay bar?

This seems like a classic he said, he said sort of thing, but police are usually pretty good about getting ID’s: On a 911 call early Jan. 1, Seth Harris told Columbus police that Quinn was with a group at … Continue reading

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Nice commentary on health care

I wanted to link to this as it seems like a very smart comment about health care: Health insurance is not like automobile insurance. You can mandate automobile insurance, and if people can’t afford it, they can take the bus. … Continue reading

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Problems with for profit health care?

I just wanted to put this up as it is a great explanantion of the problems with the US health care system: Relentless medical inflation has been attributed to many factors — the aging population, the proliferation of new technologies, … Continue reading

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Clinton campaign in the toilet just waiting for someone to flush.

Seems like most of the resources at at the Hillary Clinton campaign have gone into getting David Shuster fired and while that might be an admirable goal she seems to have forgotten to campaign.  At least given todays results in Louisiana, … Continue reading

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The family farm is dead, maybe it is time to stop the welfare checks

Agricultural subsidies are supposed to help the “family farm” guess what that is not how it works. Last year, The New York Times reported that more than half of the food aid purchased in recent years has gone to just … Continue reading

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Bill Clinton regrets “defending” Hillary

Bill Clinton claims he was defending his in the run-up to the South Carolina primary:

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The pity factor

Kevin Drum writes: The other thing inside my head that I didn’t expect was that as the results came in, I found myself sort of rooting for Hillary. Why? Buyer’s remorse? Rooting for the underdog? Guilt for having “betrayed” her … Continue reading

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Clinton campaign not making payroll

I got this from Raw story Also, writes the LA Times: “According to a bulletin recently posted on Time magazine’s blog, The Page, some senior staff for Sen. Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign have begun working without pay to save money … Continue reading

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Another example of Hillary’s poor judgement

I got this Via firedoglake: Over 150 nations have signed the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty. It pains me that our great nation has not. But in the autumn of 2006, there was a chance to take a step in the … Continue reading

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Super Tuesday comments

Looks like McCain has sewn up the Republican nomination, it also looks like he might make Huckabee his running mate.  If conservative blogs are to be believed in most ways McCain and Huckabee are more liberal than either Obama or … Continue reading

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Super Bowl Sunday

The time that passes is a frustratingly slow grind. No big plans or recipes, nor are there the usual assortments of imported drink, all replaced by laundry folding, floor cleaning and anything else I can direct my nervous energy towards … Continue reading

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