Hilary represents the Republican wing of the Democratic party

In Las Vegas Hillary Clinton is talking about how good she has been to the gambling industry, while at the same time bringing up that Obama has in fact tried to limit gambling in some states.

Barack Obama has warned about the dangers of gambling — that it carries a “moral and social cost” that could “devastate” poor communities. As a state senator in Illinois, he at times opposed plans to expand gambling, worrying that it could be especially harmful to low-income people.
Today, those views are posing a problem for Obama in the gambling mecca of Nevada, which holds its presidential nominating caucuses Saturday. While his top rival, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, also talks often about aiding low-income Americans, she has embraced the gambling industry and its executives, and her campaign has used Obama’s past statements in an effort to turn casino workers and other Nevada voters against him.

From the LA times via talking points memo
In an effort to get votes and donations from industry leaders Hillary ignores the fact that gambling does cause problems for some people. That doesn’t mean gambling should be illegal in all states but it does mean that the gambling industry should be reighned in occassionally, just like alcohol and other products that have the potential for abuse. Hillary, by trying to make Obama’s comments about gambling an issue will have a hard time later, if she does get elected, controlling the industry. Anyone who wants to put up a casino will accuse Hillary of “flip-flopping” if she in any way tries to stand in the way of the casino. Given the way she is pandering to the gambling industry I doubt she would try to stop any casinos anyway. The point being that Hillary seems to think that industry is always right even in cases where their are genuine social costs to that industry and if that is what you want from your party the Republicans are very good at letting industries regulate themselves. Maybe Hillary should switch parties as I hear the Republicans are having a hard time choosing a candidate.

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3 Responses to Hilary represents the Republican wing of the Democratic party

  1. When in Rome…

    I was bummed that Obama didn’t take Nevada. What do you make of the growling that went on during the last debate?

  2. John Rove says:

    Hey Al:

    I have been too bummed to post lately, watching the Democrats self destruct has been pretty sad.

    I think the growling at the last debate is Hillary trying to show she can play hardball. The more she talks the more she starts to seem like Leiberman, she does not seem to have much trouble going after fellow dems, in fact she seems to enjoy it. But when does she start going after some of the stupid things Republicans say?

    I think Hillary by being so nasty, is opening up the door for someone like Romney or McCain who comes across as nice and reasonable.

    How about those Pats? They just might do it, especially if Tom Jackson keeps talking about his grandaughter calling them cheaters. They seem to do well when they have a chip on their shoulder.

  3. Tom Jackson…I love it!

    I’ve been busy as hell lately, it happens. The blogging takes a back seat sometimes. I don’t think you have anything to worry about with either Romney or McCain. Bill Clinton is becoming something less mysterous by the day, I definitely know that. He’s now like a bag of potato chips that’s been opened and left sitting somewhere for a couple of months (shit, this campaign could last 3/4 of a year!)…by the time a race between Hillary and some republican got over, the former president might seem like that guy Lesko with question marks all over his jacket from the TV commercials.

    I’m excited about the opportunity to shake off this entire political era and move forward with something new. It’s time for another ‘morning in america’, only this time the folks at the bottom won’t get shafted quite as often for the sake of everyone at the very top. And maybe we’ll get out of this stupor, schizophrenic my entire lifetime so far on some fucked up Tom Clancy novel come to life, if but only in the minds of Pentagon hall-stompers and the portion of us that think 24 is a documentary. Finally enough with the conquering what’s not ours and the killing.

    “Opening Markets”…at gunpoint. That has been my country’s sleazy M.O. for as long as I remember. It’s a confusion amongst our people that makes it possible to have Top Gun in our minds, and never any recolection of the bodies.

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