George Bush in a pantsuit?

According to Hillary she has no flaws, at least no real flaws, as Dan Abrams recently noticed:

When the Democratic candidates were asked at Tuesday’s debate, “What is your biggest weakness?” Obama answered, “I ask my staff never to hand me paper until two seconds before I need it, because I will lose it. … I need to have good people in place who can make sure that systems run.”

In Hillary Clinton’s hands, this self-description has been twisted into an acknowledgment of Bush-like incompetence. “Senator Obama said yesterday that he didn’t intend to try to manage or run the government, that he was going to have advisers to do that,” Clinton charged. “That is very reminiscent of what we’ve had for the last seven years. I intend to run the government.”

“Come on,” Abrams chortled. “Contrast that with the self-promotional so-called ‘weaknesses’ that Clinton and John Edwards offered up smothered in spin.” He then played video of Clinton saying “I get impatient” in response to the same question and Edwards offering, “I sometimes have a very powerful emotional response to pain that I see around me.”

“Gosh! That must have been so hard for him to admit that,” commented Abrams.

Hasn’t this been part of the problem with George Bush? He is unable to admit a mistake and certainly unable to learn from one, the country does not need another “perfect president”. By the way I am giving Edwards a pass as he does not seem to be a viable candidate so it is a waste of time to talk about why he might have the same problem as Hillary.

The whole article can be seen here

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One Response to George Bush in a pantsuit?

  1. I think this one is a throwaway for Hillary. The questions that would require creative thought will always be tough for her. On the debate stage its all practiced material, especially the zingers. You can’t fit this question onto a spreadsheet and study it, so the software doesn’t know right away how to handle it.

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