Ron Paul People

Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty fucking serious about their candidate.

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7 Responses to Ron Paul People

  1. Arnold Kling has a roundup of scary things that Ron Paul has said, or at least branded:

    “[O]ur country is being destroyed by a group of actual and potential terrorists—and they can be identified by the color of their skin.” “I think we can safely assume that 95% of the black males in that city [Washington, D.C.] are semi-criminal or entirely criminal.” …“If this walking bomb had gone off, it would have demolished the House Chamber and most of the congressmen in it. Yet this attempted terrorist attack was buried by the media. Why? Because the perpetrator was an undoubtedly mad Israeli, furious over alleged slights to his country… [T]he Israeli lobby deep-sixed the story, and no one outside of Congress ever hea[r]d about it.”

    No wonder he refuses to discredit the extreme groups supporting him.

    UPDATE: Ann Althouse has been feeling queasy about Paul for awhile, and now she’s especially nauseous.

  2. He’s a character alright.

  3. nick says:

    first off i really don’t know much about the different campaigns, but is ron paul really that bad? the comments above from what i see are dated and were published in something he supported? i don’t even think anyone pinpointed him saying these things?

    either way, downsizing the federal government, he’s against the war/patriot act, believes in the constitution, he’s against abortion but wants to let the states decide

    basically i like the fact that he opposes our vastly expanding goverment and encourages its downsizing along with the tax advantages that would go w/ it

    like i said i’m really not up to speed but he appeals to me more than others

  4. Besides Iraq and the death-manufacturing sector it kicks into high gear…not to mention all the weapons we use to bribe foreign governments with…casket futures are always up (the funeral sector doesn’t fuck around – they groom all of their lobbyists from within the business – very smart).

    I know there was a 6 month backlog for passports a year ago, a bridge that collapsed in Minnesota, we couldn’t get MREs and water to New Orleans for 3 days after Katrina, the IRS has been auditing a lower portion of mega-high income folk and replacing employees with logarithm that picks up more lower income returns for the busy bees to earn their keep investigating…states get told to screw over everything from “wanting less pollution in our air (Cali)”, “wanting a fiber optic network like they already have in South Korea and Japan”, “wanting to budget double the money already being spent on border security”, “wanting the money to inspect canisters shipped into our ports and loaded onto trucks we drive next to on the highway”…

    I’m not unaware of Ron Paul, but when he says that we need to get rid of the Department of Education, it’s never followed up with an explanation of what takes its place. It’s nice to think that there’s not actual value being added to the system by having people in those jobs, so we wouldn’t even notice they were gone…but we just lived through that and are still living through it now.

    An ideology to just do without things that have been here for longer than I’ve been alive…that has been a running theme during the 7 years of Bush. He inherited a justice department that did the job, a FEMA that did its job, a military that did its job, and through the process of rewarding friends with jobs they aren’t qualified for, providing them with as many graduates from Pat Robertson University as they need, then cutting the budget every year…

    I’m sure the “big government” exists, but across the whole of it there are pieces that fit the description and pieces that don’t. When a guy is preaching the evils of “big government”, then points at the Dept. of Education as the first thing we need to shut down…I don’t think he’s actually smart enough to know that everything would be better for us without it.

    I love the things he says about our foreign policy, and the fact that he had the balls to finally get up in a room full of Republicans (Rudi Guiliani on stage as well) and state the obvious, that Bin Laden stated his reasons for attacking us, that we knew all about Bin Laden and why he resented America years before 9/11…it practically caused hundreds of skulls throughout the audience to fracture spontaneously just from listening…a motive for nine-eleven?!?!

    He is a heretic to the religion that has become the Republican Party, and by doing nothing more than stating some facts available to anyone about 9/11, he ruined their religion.

    You have to respect that.

  5. Ben says:

    The accusations of Ron Paul’s racism are entirely false. His philosophy is 100% incompatible with being a racist. His entire platform revolves around individual liberty. Something Americans have strangely been taught to despise on both sides of the aisle.

  6. John Rove says:

    As I understand it whenever someone starts talking about states rights what they are really saying is states should have the right to discriminate if they want. I think this is why Ron Paul is so popular among the racist crowd.

  7. Ben, Pick up an issue of The New Republic and let me know what you think then.

    Actually, I just found the article, and it’s available for free:

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