Iowa open thread

The people of Iowa have spoken and they like Huckabee and Obama.  Aside from being the most likeable people in the race they are also two of the more dovish candidates. 

 Obama has made it pretty clear that he thinks the Iraq war was a mistake and it is hard to see him getting the US into another ill-advised war.  Hilary on the other hand supported the Kyle-Lieberman amendment which defined Irans revolutionary guard as a terrorist orginization and would have given cover to Bush had he decided to “liberate” Iran.  I know for me that was the deal breaker with Hillary Clinton, I can undrstand why she voted for the Iraq war, it would have been political suicide to have voted against it.  The Kyle-Lieberman amendmant was different she could have apposed it and the fact that she didn’t makes me think she agrees with Lieberman and all the rest of the neo-cons that the only way for the US to survive is through converting the world to democracy at gunpint.

With all that said Obama was also the best candidate he seems to bring optimism and hope where his rivals seemed to bring a lot of weary cynism.

On the Republican side Huckabee is a complete nut job, but he does seem like the most sincere of the republican candidates.  It is also worth mentioning that aside from McCaine(or Liebercaine as some might call him or maybe it) he is the most supportive of immigration, which makes me think immigration is a losing issue even among Republicans.

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11 Responses to Iowa open thread

  1. bernie kosar says:

    Dude, I’m riding the wave, and I can’t wait for FEB 5 CA Primary.

    I just recently ordered HBO…doing the wire re-wind…Just caught the finale to Extras…”Fuck off, I’m Clive Owen!” …just an absolute gem!

  2. bernie kosar says:

    you hit the nail on the head…Obama brings optimism while every other candidate (Rep. or Dem.) brings gloom and doom. That’s the difference. Just by showing up, he brings it…can’t explain it anymore

  3. bernie kosar says:

    The browns should have been in the playoffs…fuck…

  4. napoleon15 says:

    I think Ron Paul is the most sincere of the Republican candidates. Not that I agree with him on everything, though.

  5. John Rove says:

    The little I have seen of Paul he does come off as someone who believes what he is saying.

    On the Republican side it looks like McCain is going to win New Hampshire with Romney coming in second. I think this would give Romney the lead in delagates without winning a primary. When it is all said and done it looks like Romney might get the nomination because he is the least disliked candidate.

    On a more important topic I think San Diego and New York win tomorrow.

  6. napoleon15 says:

    I’m picking the Bucs and Titans. I think San Diego is way overrated (of course I hate them too, being a Bronco fan).

  7. Pretty sweet about Obama…McCain ads were playing during the Celtics game tonight. That was about the best game I’ve seen in a year…Big Baby goes for 20, down in the trenches.

    The Wire – first episode appeared onDemand a few days ago…bernie, while the playoffs happening without Cleveland being invited to the party is very sad, I can vouch for this final season. It’s a masterpiece.

  8. Hal Kimball says:

    Hola Al, long time no chat. I’m not sure Hillary opposing Iraq would have been political suicide. Paul Wellstone was the only Democrat running for Senate in 02 who voted against the war and would have beaten Coleman.

    I hate the argument, “based on the information available at the time”.

    Numerous progressives knew this war was a bad deal before it started. Wellstones final speech on the floor of the Senate was amazing.

    Check out the video at the end of yet another Blueman rant.

    BTW, man I hate McHale…4 freakin wins…

  9. bernie kosar says:

    loved the first episode (the Wire)!

  10. van helsing says:

    Rumor has it episodes 1-7 are available on torrents

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