Monthly Archives: January 2008

Harper’s Weekly Review (part)

“…Dwarf thieves had infested Swedish buses,9 Lithuania was pondering changing its name,10 and a plot by retired Turkish Army officers to kill Nobel Laureate Orhan Pamuk was foiled. 11 Police in Malda, India, were battling avian flu by conducting a … Continue reading

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Election Shenanigans in New Hampshire on top of things up in New Hampshire:

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Conservatives for Hillary

I got this from Polipundit So what should conservatives do, assuming that nothing changes the apparent McCain vs. Clinton match-up? I’ll vote for Ron Paul if he runs third party. Otherwise, I’ll vote for Hillary. Better to come back with … Continue reading

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Too much happines can kill you?

Thought this was interesting: A study suggests extreme happiness may be bad for you. Findings: 1) “The highest levels of income, education and political participation were reported not by the most satisfied individuals, but by moderately satisfied individuals.” 2) Extremely … Continue reading

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Obama wins big

Obama won big in South Carolina, tonight.  Maybe this is wishful thinking on my part but the primaries are startingIo script for your free sprint ringtones ringtone. to remind me of a best of 7 NBA series, where one team … Continue reading

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I bet if this guy had brown skin the news coverage would be wall to wall

As it is now it barely rates a blip: A teenage passenger was detained after a Southwest Airlines flight from Los Angeles landed in Nashville, an airline spokeswoman said Thursday. Nashville television stations, citing unnamed sources, said the teen unsuccessfully … Continue reading

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A product of a bad economy? or just a bad product?

Starbucks is lowering prices in an effort to get people to drink their swill.  NEW YORK (dpa) – The U.S. coffee-shop chain Starbucks is experimenting with cheap coffee, in an effort to fend off competition from rivals like McDonald’s. In some … Continue reading

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Mississippi mud

This is a good one… (Lead Story – NYTimes Sunday Business Section – By NELSON D. SCHWARTZ) …Linking Mr. Scruggs, Mr. Patterson and other figures in the case is an obscure former college football star, farmer and politically well-connected adviser … Continue reading

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George Bush in a pantsuit?

According to Hillary she has no flaws, at least no real flaws, as Dan Abrams recently noticed: When the Democratic candidates were asked at Tuesday’s debate, “What is your biggest weakness?” Obama answered, “I ask my staff never to hand … Continue reading

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Hilary represents the Republican wing of the Democratic party

In Las Vegas Hillary Clinton is talking about how good she has been to the gambling industry, while at the same time bringing up that Obama has in fact tried to limit gambling in some states. Barack Obama has warned … Continue reading

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South Carolina doesn’t fail to entertain

If this was happening in a third world country you would just shake your head and say no wonder they are the third world.  This is certainly the nastiest line we’ve heard in the push polls going out to about … Continue reading

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Veteran Killers

Al Swearengen on 2/23/2006: “Iraq Vet Mutilates Wife” – Get ready America, the war’s not over when these guys leave Iraq. Typical of youngsters who sign up while suffering from a mental disorder commonly known as ‘outrageous stupidity’…Marry a woman … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military | 6 Comments

Playoff open thread

My picks are: Indy beats the San Diego easily, it will be nice to see the smirk wiped off the face of Rivers. New England wins. Green Bay wins. The only chance I see for an upset is the Giants … Continue reading

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The political genuis of Hillary

By playing the victim card Hillary Clinton has made it very difficult to talk about her record in the senate,where she has been on the wrong side of every major issue since 2000.  In fact some people might argue that … Continue reading

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Who goes Nazi?

(by Dorothy Thompson for Harper’s in August of 1941) – – – It is an interesting and somewhat macabre parlor game to play at a large gathering of one’s acquaintances: to speculate who in a showdown would go Nazi. By … Continue reading

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Ron Paul People

Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty fucking serious about their candidate.

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Today, in Dover, Francine Torge, a former John Edwards supporter, said this while introducing Mrs. Clinton: “Some people compare one of the other candidates to John F. Kennedy. But he was assassinated. And Lyndon Baines Johnson was the one who … Continue reading

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Roc Boys

Jay-Z on Letterman – SICK costi sono ancora piuÂ’elevati bencheÂ’ la percentuale che trattiene la casa da gioco dei casino’tradizionali sia molto alta confronto alle poker rooms.

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Iowa open thread

The people of Iowa have spoken and they like Huckabee and Obama.  Aside from being the most likeable people in the race they are also two of the more dovish candidates.   Obama has made it pretty clear that he thinks … Continue reading

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More painkiller abuse?

Prescriptions for pain killers are on the rise, especially if you happen to be white. The study appears in Wednesday’s Journal of the American Medical Association. Prescribing narcotics for pain in emergency rooms rose during the study, from 23 percent … Continue reading

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Things are going our way here in New England, and I’m very grateful for that. 4 games out west, 4 wins…spring can’t come fast enough. I still like Petrobrazil (PBR), Oracle (ORCL), Gold ETF (IAU), Canada Nat’l Resources (CNQ), Resmed … Continue reading

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