War Critics Obama, Ron Paul Get Most Military Donations

Don’t let your beloved Bauer-heads catch wind of this fun fact…they might break out in a rage and start torturing your pets.

(HuffingtonPost) Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Ron Paul have little in common politically, except their opposition to the Iraq war. Both top a new list of presidential candidates receiving campaign contributions from people who work for the four branches of the military and National Guard, according to a study released Thursday by the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics. Obama, an Illinois senator, brought in more donations from this group than any White House contender from either party. The Democrat announced Wednesday his plan to withdraw all U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of 2008.

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2 Responses to War Critics Obama, Ron Paul Get Most Military Donations

  1. John Rove says:

    What about the “real” soldiers what are they doing? you know guys like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’rielly.

  2. truthseeker says:

    Rush and Bill O’reilly and Sean Hannity are out on the town tonight living high on the hog – courtesy of the military machine they represent.

    War pays big money to chicken hawks to squawk and squawk about the next foreign nation we should invade.

    Turn off Faux News – turn off Rush Limbaugh and think for yourself people.
    We do not need mean spirited lunatics telling us how to kill innocent civilians in other countries.
    Can you imagine how much grief these losers would give to a Democrat or anyone other than Dufus Bush in the white house if the president had not captured or killed bin laden after 6 years and one trillion dollars?

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