Hillary the Neo-con

When Hilary Clinton voted for the Kyle-Lieberman amendment, which designated the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization she signaled that she was quite happy with the way the neo-cons conduct forign policy.  Designate someone a terrorist, refuse to negotiate with them, and then lose a war to them.  If one vote shows that Hillary does not have the judgement to be president it was probably that one.  It looks like some of her democratic opponents are starting to notice the same thing.

Clinton came under criticism from her rivals, who highlighted her September vote in Tuesday’s debate, which came the day after release of a new intelligence report that says Iran stopped development of a nuclear weapon four years ago.

Edwards said Clinton gave President Bush just what he wanted when she voted to designate Iran’s Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization. Clinton said her vote was meant to encourage diplomacy.

The problem with saying that she voted for the amendment to encourage “diplomacy” is that “we don’t negotiate with terrorists” so she knew or should have known that the amendment was designed to pave the way for war, if one thing that Hillary Clinton has done should keep her from being president it is her vote on this amendment.

See the article here 

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2 Responses to Hillary the Neo-con

  1. Pistol Pete says:

    At the risk of sounding like a male chauvanist pig, shouldn’t Hilary actually get a little more experience before she becomes President? She, Obama, and Edwards each have the knack for appealing to a strong segment of the populace, but none of them really have the experience to draw on when push comes to shove and tough decisions are called for.

  2. Obama has all those years in the state legislature. Out of the three, I’d consider him to be the most experienced. Obviously not as experienced as Joe Biden or Bill Richardson, but certainly more experienced than Dubya.

    John Rove: When Hilary Clinton voted for the Kyle-Lieberman amendment, which designated the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization she signaled that she was quite happy with the way the neo-cons conduct forign policy. Designate someone a terrorist, refuse to negotiate with them, and then lose a war to them.

    Mr. Rove, you’re hitting your stride my friend…this is outstanding!

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