Stupid American

This generation is something alright…let’s see if the baby boomers can turn EVERY American into a war mongering, illiterate, drug addict (anyone want an ambien?) by the time they’re all collecting those social security checks that were supposedly “never going to be there by the time we retired.” Maybe if the boomers spent a little less time pissing and moaning about what their neighbor was doing, and a little more time making sure they left a better world for the rest of us, we wouldn’t be FORGETTING HOW TO READ. Maybe it’s because I’m a liberal, but reading is probably the most enjoyable thing I do on a non-sex day. It really pisses me off that we’ve basically doubled our national debt in 7 years by fighting a stupid war while cutting taxes for the rich, and in the meantime getting dumber every day.

I know one thing…we’re going to need more than just basketball players reading to kids on television commercials to get this trend moving back in the right direction. We’re going to have to push the boomers aside once and for all, study up on what the rest of the world is doing to educate, employ and provide health care for its people, and admit finally that we have a problem. That’s the first step towards recovery…right? Anyways, for the parents reading this, take the time to make sure your spawn don’t end up being illiterate mopes watching TV every night of their adult lives. Set a good example. And badger Congress for more money in education. The boomer and replica young Republicans will insist that when you spend money on schools, books and paychecks, it’s a waste. They’d rather we spend that money on some missiles or overpriced Halliburton chili-mac. Ignore them. They’ve had their chance to govern, and from Reagan until today, movement conservatism has been most likely to result in stories like this one:

(WaPo) Americans are reading less and their reading proficiency is declining at troubling rates, according to a report that the National Endowment for the Arts will issue today. The trend is particularly strong among older teens and young adults, and if it is not reversed, the NEA report suggests, it will have a profound negative effect on the nation’s economic and civic future. “This is really alarming data,” said NEA Chairman Dana Gioia. “Luckily, we still have an opportunity to address it, but if we wait 10, 20 years, I think it may be too late.”

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One Response to Stupid American

  1. Why is Reagan the official demarcation point in chronological history, and not LBJ? Or Nixon, or Ford, for that matter?

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