In the two years since Murtha spoke out

Here’s something interesting.  Since the right went so far in attacking the man…I seem to remember the administration going with the patented, “We’ll let the generals on the ground decide how things are going.”  Ah, those wise, honest generals and their talk of progress.  Indeed, the military is sure to give it to us straight, just like Westmoreland did in Vietnam.  Anyways, since Murtha actually took part in that war, the chickenhawks had to stuff an extra cucumber into their pants before hitting the talk shows to tell all of us how the congressman really didn’t know anything about war or the military. 


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2 Responses to In the two years since Murtha spoke out

  1. napoleon15 says:

    I guess you’ll be starting your new job tomorrow, right, Al?

  2. It started today – I’m psyched!

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