“I’ll Never Get Caught Saying Nigger”

Have you seen this?

I don’t have the patience for all of this interview w/ him and that knucklehead Hannity, but it’s right here…I heard clips from this on yesterday’s Stern show and he’s insane.

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3 Responses to “I’ll Never Get Caught Saying Nigger”

  1. Jim says:

    Guy’s got 14 kids. 14.

    In related news, have you seen the movie “Idiocracy?”

  2. I haven’t. What’s it about?

    14 kids…damn…he’s always seemed like a clown to me. The shows are great, as his nightly transformation from bounty hunter to camp counselor is definitely the part of his rap that he is proudest of.

    You just can’t threaten to disown your kin over something like this. A man can have no respect for the jungle fever, but don’t rain on someone else’s parade w/ that noise.

  3. Jim says:

    Idiocracy: essentially, in a military experiment (what else?), a man is put into suspended animation and awakens 30 years later to discover that only idiots have been breeding (cultural commentary courtesy Mike Judge), the country is run by an ex-pro wrestler, and he (the man), originally chosen for his complete mediocrity as no loss to the armed forces, is the smartest man alive.

    Not a great movie. But frighteningly it also doesn’t seem all that far-fetched.

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