Theocracy Now!

Max Blumenthal at the Value Voters Summit 2007 (at the end they honor James Dobson)

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One Response to Theocracy Now!

  1. John Rove says:

    It was hard to pick the best part of this video, the closeted homosexuals are always good for a laugh, but the guy at the end wanting segragated bathrooms was pretty stellar.

    One thing that always stands out when I watch these videos is the desperation of some of these people, the former gay and the women who had many abortions, they need something in their lives and they fill the void with religion. The abstinence girl was pretty funny, she reminded me of the christian girl on the show weeds.

    Now that we know abortion leads to a shortage of unskilled workers, I think most of us will re-think our position on the issue.

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