Teletubbies & Sublime

This could very well be the best thing that ever gets posted here.

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19 Responses to Teletubbies & Sublime

  1. bernie kosar says:

    For those Cleveland Indian fans out there, just when you think it can’t get any worse…

  2. bernie kosar says:

    Hey AL,
    The New Yorker recently posted an article about ‘The Wire'(Next Season begins in JAN)…reveling next season’s story line:

  3. bernie kosar says:

    DAVID SIMON: “Every single moment on the planet, from here on out, human beings are worth less. We are in a post-industrial age. We don’t need as many of us as we once did. So, if the first season was about devaluing the cops who knew their beats and the corner boys slinging drugs, then the second was about devaluing the longshoremen and their labor, the third about people who wanted to make changes in the city, and the fourth was about kids who were being prepared, badly, for an economy that no longer really needs them. And the fifth? It’s about the people who are supposed to be monitoring all this and sounding the alarm—the journalists. The newsroom I worked in had four hundred and fifty people. Now it’s got three hundred. Management says, ‘We have to do more with less.’ That’s the bullshit of bean counters who care only about the bottom line. You do less with less.”

  4. bernie kosar says:

    And great post by the way. The Teletubbies are some great ass shit!

  5. I’m all over that New Yorker article. Good looking out! Pissed off at HBO in general, how they fucked up Deadwood for the sake of John From Cincinatti, then they cancel that one too. I know this new drama w/ the couples is good, but my heart’s just not in it. The Wire will get me going again.

    And I’m assuming that link you posted is the HGH article about Paul Byrd. What kind of bullshit is that, to go public in the middle of the playoffs?!?!?

    The agents who investigated must be from the Boston area.

  6. bernie kosar says:

    On Byrd: Couldn’t they just wait a day or two, until after the Indians are eliminated?

    I guess the new cable giant for DRAMA/COMEDY is Showtime. There are a number of shows out there, Weeds, The Tudors, Dexter. I just haven’t tried it yet. Maybe after the wire wraps up I’ll switch parties

  7. bernie kosar says:

    The same guys that broke the Bonds-Balco story wrote the Byrd story: Williams and Fainuru-Wada.

  8. I’ve been watching Weeds, but missed the second season. It’s enjoyable. I want to check out the other shows, but there’s not enough days in the week for that.

    Showtime has more of a network TV feel to it, at least with Weeds it does. The writing is the main difference between that and HBO. I’ll hold onto my HBO/Showtime package, but I need to see that they’ve decided to do something with David Milch in the next year. The guy is too damned brilliant to keep treating like this.

    Sopranos may have spoiled that network. They consider ratings too heavily…I can tape Curb Your Enthusiasm on my DVR while watching the Sox game tonight. Watch that shit later on. To me it doesn’t really make sense to judge shows w/ no advertising in them based on viewers. Not with DVR and Tivo out there.

    If their subscription numbers fluxuate during a certain time, that’s what really matters.

    Sopranos, The Wire, Oz and Six Feet Under are the only ones they saw through to the end, and with each of them the payoff for fans is huge. Look at all of those last seasons (the Wire upcoming) and you can see why allowing the creator’s vision to run itself out should be the ideal scenario.

    Carnivalle, Deadwood, John From Cincinatti – three shows I would have watched every episode of, all axed in their prime. Senseless.

  9. bernie, I suspect that you’ve been following the events in Pakistan. If you want to write something and post it here, you’re more than welcome to do so.

  10. bernie kosar says:

    It sad that all TV is anymore is just attention grabbing entertainment: Tune-in this week because Brad Pitt is making an appearance. Storytelling is a lost art. With some shows, viewers don’t even get a chance to watch because the network executives pull the plug only after a few shows. Many shows get the sacked after the first season.
    Did you get a chance to check out Deadwood’s last episode with the David Milch commentary? He has a mini-rant against HBO’s decision to short-circuit the show. It was so bad that HBO put a “warning: the views expressed aren’t that of HBO” at the beginning of the episode (on the DVD).
    How does this season’s “Curb Your…” compare to the last season?

  11. napoleon15 says:

    Hey John, you said the Cards would win??? 😉 I believe I was right. 🙂 Washington’s not a bad team this year. Pardon my whining, but I wish I could say the same about Denver.

  12. bernie kosar says:

    I had a terrible feeling that there was going to be an act of terror directed towards Bhutto. I just didn’t think it would happen on her very first day back. I still have fears for her life. Even though she is corrupt as a US Senator, I think she can do more for Pakistan than Musharraf, Sharif, or any Islamo-extremist. She reminds of Hillary. She is tough and she has balls (Could Hillary stand up to an assassination attempt?). I think the western media often label the Pakistani people as extremists. They always show the demonstrations that seemingly paralyze normal civic functions. Sort of similar to the Soviet era TV news when they would only show African Americans during drug busts or Mike Tyson highlights (or lowlights). For the most part the Pakistani people appeal to reason. I think that they would support Bhutto in an election. She is articulate and compassionate.

    I like Musharraf;he is a good dictator. He is OUR dictator, but the time has come for a change. He has to step down and let the democratic way run its course.

  13. napoleon15 says:

    At least you were almost right. I had quite a few games like that last year, where I was really close but still wrong. The now-infamous Cardinals-Bears game, where the Cardinals blew a huge lead late in the game was one of those. I was so disgusted, after picking Arizona to win that game.

  14. napoleon15 says:

    Hey Nick, you were right! The Broncos did win!!! I love it!!

  15. John Rove says:

    I wish Jason Elam played for the Cards.

  16. napoleon15 says:

    Jay Cutler wasn’t bad either.

  17. napoleon15 says:

    I wish Tom Brady played for the Broncos, though. 😀

  18. bernie kosar says:

    I had a terrible feeling that there was going to be an act of terror directed towards Bhutto. I just didn’t think it would happen on her very first day back. I still have fears for her life. Even though she is corrupt as a US Senator, I think she can do more for Pakistan than Musharraf, Sharif, or any Islamo-extremist. She reminds of Hillary. She is tough and she has balls (Could Hillary stand up to an assassination attempt?). I think the western media often label the Pakistani people as extremists. They always show the demonstrations that seemingly paralyze normal civic functions. Sort of similar to the Soviet era TV news when they would only show African Americans during drug busts or Mike Tyson highlights (or lowlights). For the most part the Pakistani people appeal to reason. I think that they would support Bhutto in an election. She is articulate and compassionate.

    I like Musharraf;he is a good dictator. He is OUR dictator, but the time has come for a change. He has to step down and let the democratic way run its course.

    Islam is just the rallying cry as I see it. Things are as shitty as they were in the last generation for most people in that region who live out where the buses don’t run. The only attention or charity they recieve from anyone is when a madrassa gets built. The equivalent of evangelicals donating money so assholes can hand out bibles in a jungle somewhere, only in the places that get the madrassas, they get arms shipments also.

    The ISI and Pakistani military are stocked full of enough Islamic radicals to turn any attempt at a crackdown into suicide for the leader behind it. It’d be like drug gangs occupying positions of power in the DEA.

    I’m with you though. It’s hard not to care about what’s going on over there right now. These deep seeded points of pessimism I circle around most times, are just the kinds of issues that an historic leader is remembered forever about if he/she can mitigate them.

  19. Nick says:

    Great weekend, especially if you are a Boston fan. I keep pinching myself everytime Brady/Moss hookup on these plays.

    The Denver pick was just a hunch, they had lost to some good teams (Jags/Indy/Chargers team that was due for a breakout game), whereas aside from trouncing Seattle the Steelers schedule had been pretty weak. So basically if you erased last week this was a really good matchup, which it proved to be. I didn’t really catch any of this game due to game 7 of the ALCS, but it look like it played out pretty well. As Al pointed out, being a Patriots fan, you have to have a level of respect for Denver since we’ve really had trouble figuring them out in years past.

    On the ALCS, Cleveland cracked, true they are a great ‘young’ team but ultimately I think that’s what got to them. Both teams came into game 6 with a lot of confidence, but it was clear as the pressure kept mounting going into game 7 the youth of the Indians showed its face. They kept it close though, if Lofton get’s home in the 6th was it? it’s a different game entirely. It was a real pleasure though watching our young guys tear it up. Can’t wait to play the Rockies! This should be an awesome series.

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