Senator Rockefeller (D-WV) – Selling Us Out

I’ve been watching this immunity story like a hawk, but haven’t had the time to comment on it here.  This post I found after reading TPMmuckraker’s front page today was too good not to share.  I’m posting the first 2 sentences of the post written by Ryan Singel on, along with two charts. He’s put together an outstanding case study on why we will never have a government “of/by/for the people” as long as elections continue to be financed with private money.

(Ryan Singel: Democratic Lawmaker Pushing Immunity Is Newly Flush With Telco Cash) Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-West Virginia) is reportedly steering the secretive Senate Intelligence Committee to give retroactive immunity to telecoms that helped the government secretly spy on Americans. He has also recently benefited from some interesting political contributions.

AT&T Rockefeller

Verizon Rockefeller

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2 Responses to Senator Rockefeller (D-WV) – Selling Us Out

  1. It’s rigged. The best way to get power and choices back to individuals and families is to limit what these vote-aholics can do.

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