More “phony soldiers” speak out

How long will it take the real warriors like Michelle Malkin and Rush Limbaugh to put these guys in their place.

Of course right now Rush and Michelle are locked in a heated battle with a 12 year old but they are such fierce warriors I am sure they can handle a battle on both fronts.

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4 Responses to More “phony soldiers” speak out

  1. Maybe both sides should leave a 12 year old alone. It’s political porn.

  2. John Rove says:

    Everyone, even 12 year-olds should be allowed speak out and not have to fear that some nut job will attack their family. The whole dabate is about health care for children, so it makes sense to show how kids have benefited from the program and the best way to do that is to show a real live kid who has a very real story about the program.

    Just like it makes sense to let real ive soldiers speak about the war without fear of retribution, in both cases it seems like the right wing fears people who have actual experience, probably because conservatism while it might look good on paper falls apart in practice.

  3. When I was 12 years old, nobody wanted to talk to me about my family’s access to healthcare.

    And you know, universal healthcare and unions both look good on paper, but in practice …

    Helsinki, Finland (AHN) – Trade Union representatives announce that about 12,800 nurses and health workers all over Finland are threatening to withdraw their employment, effective November 19, if no conformity is reached in labor talks with employers.

    Tehy, the Union of Health and Social Care Professionals, is insisting for a 24 percent wage increase for its members over 28 months, rebuffing employers’ offer of 12 percent pay rise.

    Half of the union’s 124,000 staff are battling to survive out of the low salary, and a number of them now yearn to work abroad, which if no settlement is found, the mass resignations will impair Finland’s healthcare system, the union alerts.

    “Hospitals will be paralyzed, especially big ones where many of our members are employed,” an official of Tehy’s chairwoman, Jaana Reijonaho said.

    She also added that a nurse’s average wage is about 1,900 euros, compared to 2,300 euros average pay for full-time workers across the country, which also made the nurses in Finland’s public sector to say that they are poorly paid and often have to deal with with vast workloads.

  4. Bullshit – at 12 years old, if my life was saved by a government program the President veto’d, it wouldn’t be difficult at all putting two and two together. The President veto’d the right to life.

    Which is crazy since he’s against abortion. In the cases of these children, you’re looking at 16th, 32nd trimester abortions…not something that can be accomplished in a single procedure either. No, there’s actual suffering involved in these abortions.

    And in response to comment #3…Finland will be just fine in the long run. It’s a contract dispute. Same as any.

    Universal health care and labor unions are examples of a civilization making a positive progression from the time when we were fucking around with sticks trying to start a fire and getting devoured by lions.

    Bombs and crystal meth are negative examples.

    Finally, if the economy can thrive even with $90 oil, I’m quite sure it can survive the elimination of health insurance.

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