Letterman interviews Paris

Since porn was the topic of my last post, today I’ll also include this funny video of David Letterman interviewing Paris Hilton on 9-28-07.  He keeps the “jail” zingers coming for more than half of it.  The “legacy” question is my favorite.

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4 Responses to Letterman interviews Paris

  1. John Rove says:

    I know Paris has a few flaws, but the simple life goes to camp was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Especially the survivalist episode and the little miss America episode

  2. I totally missed that show. Only clips from The Soup…

  3. Breann Ticknor says:

    Paris Hilton is pretty for sure.

  4. John Rove says:

    I haven’t seen much of Paris Hilton lately, I still think her show was way better than Jersey Shore and a lot of the reality stuff that has come since her show. I have a feeling Sarah Palin’s upcoming reality show will make the people on Jersy shore seem well adjusted.

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