22,000 US Soldiers Denied Healthcare

(from DailyKOS) “The Pentagon has informed thousands of American soldiers in Iraq that their Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder was a pre-existing condition from before they ever joined the military. In other words, NO TREATMENT, NO INSURANCE, NO NOTHING!

More than 22,000 soldiers serving in Iraq have been kicked out of the US military entirely – booted from a war zone straight to the streets – for seeking treatment for the psychological effects of combat and brain injuries. Now, they’re jobless, without medical coverage, and in immediate need of medical treatment that Bush’s Pentagon/VA absolutely refuses to provide.”

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One Response to 22,000 US Soldiers Denied Healthcare

  1. An Angry Citizen says:

    the leader of the pentagon is a total idiot, he apparently needs to be kicked straight from his job and put on the streets after getting his head beat in just like the soldiers with ptsd.

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