Monthly Archives: September 2007

The Rundown 9/12/07

General Petraeus has a boss, CENTCOM Commander Admiral William Fallon, and he told his subordinate in March that, “[Petraeus, you’re] an ass-kissing little chickenshit. I hate people like that.” ~~ Two suicide bombings that killed (at least) 50 people in … Continue reading

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Eric the Midget Returns!

Howard: “Eric, you’ve got to know that it’s not proper to be calling Diana Degarmo’s mother at her house and constantly asking to meet with her daughter.” My brother emailed me earlier today with a message titled – HE’S BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK – … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Comedy | 1 Comment

Real or Performance Art?

This was on Google’s Buzz List, it’s a transvestite howling about people beating up on Britney Spears.

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Petraeus the Magnificent – Day One Review

The books are cooked, and Petraeus is going to be looking bad once this week is through. He’ll attempt to babble through his inquisitor’s time in the next two days, but it will only get tougher tomorrow. I watched a … Continue reading

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Open Football thread

For the AFC right now it looks like New England is the favorite and if Randy Moss does not turn into Randy Moss they should stay that way.  With Indianapolis as the likely runner-up and maybe San Diego has a … Continue reading

Posted in Words | 3 Comments

Michael Jackson – Rock With You

(h/t The Largest Minority) From his ‘Off the Wall’ album…anyone want to argue that this album isn’t in the top 5 of all time? Even after I was 100% convinced he was a child molester, this album still remained in … Continue reading

Posted in Music, Video | 1 Comment

A legal victory for republicans everywhere

A Fresno man’s conviction for soliciting sex from a sheriff’s deputy in a Roeding Park restroom nearly five years ago was overturned by a three-judge panel, it was announced Thursday.But the ruling, which threw out the conviction of Stephen Lake, … Continue reading

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Petraeus the Magnificent

In the United States, as opposed to Pakistan or some banana republic south of Texas, the military is told what to do by civilians, and that dynamic alone, established well before wars in Korea and Iraq could have been imagined, … Continue reading

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Portfolio Update

Interesting times, of which I’ve got plenty of opinions, but actions speak louder than words, and so I sold all of my position in Brookfield Asset Management (BAM) and shifted all of that into gold (IAU).  My five stocks fared … Continue reading

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What New Hampshire thinks about gay marriage:

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Deep Banana Blackout – Take the Time

From the Berkshire Music Festival in 2000 (I was too broke to attend) – Bonus DBB

Posted in Music, Video | 20 Comments

Conservatism’s failures for Katrina

Liberal Oasis – Bill Scher’s radio program – Part 1 Part 2

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Mike Gravel – Must See!

This is a brilliant turn from Mike Gravel…this discussion right here was better than anything that happened on the actual show. Check this out, 5 minutes: Bonus: Gary Shandling from overtime

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An Inconvenient Truth

by Andrew Cockburn – published in The Nation magazine (excerpts): In September 2003, Secretary of State Colin Powell descended on the town to inaugurate a newly completed museum commemorating the 5,000 victims, making emotional reference to the “choking mothers [who] … Continue reading

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