Lynch the Jena 6

Former White House press secretary Tony Snow on an October 2003 edition of Fox News Sunday: “Here’s the unmentionable secret: Racism isn’t that big a deal any more. No sensible person supports it. Nobody of importance preaches it. It’s rapidly becoming an ugly memory.”

repressed homosexualityUnfortunately, Tony Snow’s judgement regarding who is and who isn’t a “sensible person” isn’t all that good. This was prior to him becoming a paid liar, but for the right-wing it’s a mantra that some know to be complete bullshit. Nothing gets them more defensive than to have race enter a discussion, and since they’ve been in charge of the country for so long, it has worked for them. This situation in Jena isn’t something that side wants to hear about right now, and to make matters worse, here come the neo-nazis. You know, the ugly guys from high school (those that actually went) who just threw in the towel one day, shaved their head, decided to hang out with other guys with shaved heads who couldn’t get laid either, so that maybe their combined loser potential could somehow bring happiness into their lives, which it didn’t, mostly because at some point they realize they’re attracted to men with shaved heads and wallet chains – BUT – beating on niggers, spics and queers managed to help them stop thinking about skinhead group sex all the time, so they do it as often as they can. The upside to this life, is that when they get caught and locked up, they can finally find happiness, as having sex with one another in prison doesn’t compute as being gay to them. Unfortunately, once they’re parolled and back running with their people, the urges build up once more, and the only way to feel better is to find someone to beat up. Back to prison, which they’re secretly happy about, but if anyone else knew about it, they’d have to get kicked out of the gang…

Anyways, ‘Lynch the Jena 6′ is the title of a web posting, made by a group of repressed homosexual neo-nazis, and it lists the phone numbers and addresses of each of the six kids’ families. Pat’s House Blend – a new blog I’ve found recently – posted on this, and is where I read these exerpts from their message:

Repressed homosexual neo-nazi leader William A. White also listed some of the defendants’ telephone numbers, urging his readers to “Get in touch, and let them know justice is coming.” On his Web site, White complained of “agitators” who were demanding acquittals.

A posting Thursday afternoon that contained contact information for the six youths was headlined: “Addresses of Jena 6 Niggers; In case anyone wants to deliver justice…If these niggers are released or acquitted, we will find out where they live and make sure that white activists and white citizens in Louisiana know it…in order to find someone willing to deliver justice.”

I know, I know…these are just a handfull of crazies. The point is, they’re out there. Repressing their desire for rough man love, at home thinking about it most nights as they listen to Michael Savage.

UPDATE 9/24/07

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2 Responses to Lynch the Jena 6

  1. DR. FESTLER MN says:


    I find it interesting that you mention the nooses were painted in school colors and were apparantly intended on “supporting” a football theme of “Hang the Cowboys” – a rival town’s team coming in for a visiting game.
    And apparantly no protests until early September when two black on white racial fights led a black religious-community activist group to claim it was “those nooses”. Which led to a full police and FBI “hate crime” investigation which found there was none.
    Althouse is right. The reporting, like in the Duke case, has been very poor.

    And expanding, it is the media again trying to force a story into it’s patented “racial suffering of blacks and their justified outrage” metanarrative . Again willfully ignoring the facts of the case available to any reporter they dared send with an open mind to interview people. Which none of them did, as with the Duke case.

    The media and black leaders tried to argue its still the 1920s in the Deep South, whites are terrorizing “innocent blacks”, and lynchings haunt the landscape.

    In fact, in most American’s lifetimes, it is not blacks who are the hunted. They are the hunters. In the “Color of Crime”, a statistical study – A white is 12 times more likely to be murdered by a black than the reverse. A black victimized by an armed non-black robber is 38 times less likely than a white, hispanic, or Asian being held up at gunpoint by a black thug. A white woman who is raped now has a 50-50 chance her attacker was black. Black women have a one in 130 chance their rapist will be a non-black.

    But media, the old black leadership, and guilty white liberals prefer instead to pretend that the present reality is one where innocent blacks cower in fear of school lynchings and KKK riding and guns, not the people misusing them, are the problem. Or, desperately feel compelled to prove they are not evil racist whites as they are indoctrinated by seeking in any crime to establish a “moral equivalency” when black thugs are involved. Sure he is a black thug with multiple rapes and assaults and robberies, but he is no worse than the white racist society that forces him to act like that….

    School officials are notorious about not publicizing their criminal stats, student on teacher threats or violence, classroom disruptions – but sociologists and educators in conferences and in papers admit that “agressive young black males” are the most daunting problem they face in “diverse schools”.

    But with the Jena 6, we have the press, black activists, and guilty whites desperately trying to tie the nooses and “life sentences the noose makers should have gotten” to a racial attack 3 months later that judge, jury, FBI, US Attorney, police investigators determined was not in the thoughts of the 6 black athlete attackers at all.

    Another curious bit is a few white Lefties and females in the media who have never been in a fight or know how to fight claiming the stomping was of little consequence because the “attackers were wearing soft white tennis shoes” and “it’s not like the victim was really hurt”. (The victim was told to stay in the hospital overnight, he had a special ceremony he wanted to go to against doctors advice. His family, lacking health insurance, had 12,000 in bills from the neurological care, emergency care, and tests and were concerned about their ability to pay for a hospital bed)

    The facts are that military combat instructors say that the “stomp” has 6-7 times more power than a full punch. In hand to hand training or reality, the killing or disabling blows focus in knocking a person down and delivering the final blow to the head, face, or throat. Preferable with a weapon, if none, then a foot, then an elbow, then a knee, and only if the other methods cant be used – a fist or open hand.

    And those blows make little difference in the power applied if delivered barefoot, with “soft shoes”, or with hobnailed storm trooper boots. A person who is a lawyer commenting on this remembered his city obtained convictions of 5 blacks who stomped another dug dealer to death in part from sneaker marks on the victims head and face and blood tracks the sneaker soles made leading away

    The 6 black athletes had at least 4 members with criminal records for violent crimes. One was convicted of a past arson. One, whose records are sealed, is purportedly convicted of sexual assault on a 12-year old girl when he was younger. But because they were “great athletes” that made for a winning football team, black and white boosters, the local courts, coaches – all tried to ensure they remained in school.

    Remember it wasn’t just about the “lack of justice ” for the “innocent 6”, as black and white activists call them, the investigation as to who burned down half the high school continues…and two of the “Jena 6” are suspects. And investigations as to who was making death threats at the school and phoning the kid and the “3 noose hangers” with similar threats continue. And threats blacks made to other whites at school that if they showed up, they would die (reportedly invoving 2 of the 6 black athletes that a local minister said were allowed to conduct “a reign of terror” against schoolmates…
    And one of the Jena 6 not in jail is suspect in 2 other violent assaults, and has convictions for 4 other significant crimes as a juvie.

    Finally, the actions of the local DA make a lot more sense if it is true, as implied, that the only way to get a juvie on a violent rampage in the adult system better able to handle him was by overcharging the crime, then dropping charges in his racial attacks down to more sensible charges of aggravated battery, conspiracy to commit battery. The ringleader he wanted, Mychal Bell, was free at the time and school not notified by the juvenile system despite charges of two other violent assaults. And ability to more freely interrogate and prosecute the other 5 thugs in the adult system did offer the potential of ending the racial attacks and arson through intimidation. This was also only one week after one white kid could have been killed in a race-related gang stomping by strong athletes, an incident involving a struggle for a gun betwen a white kid and 2 of the Jena 6, and with half the high school burned and smoking……

    I think once the details are fairly presented, the black leaders and local black activists will look like the bigoted assholes they were in the Lacrosse case. The media will again be exposed for pursuing their agenda and approved liberal narrative, not reporting on the facts. The town will be faulted for both enabling the black thugs to keep playing football as well as nailing them more harshly than whites because they had past extensive criminal history. The arson of the HS will continue to be investigated. Guilty white liberals and academics will again have their vapid “white oppressor” denunciations reposted and ridiculed – as with the Lacrosse case and dozens of others – when facts are better known.

  2. Don’t bring in the Duke case, it’s irrelevant. Try to find a posting on that case on this site. You won’t. A lot of us can sniff out a sensational media surge vs. something real. Take the Terri Shiavo case as proof of this. The political media went out on a limb, and the story was given top billing for weeks, with the President even cutting off vacation to sign a bill pertaining to it. The polling showed that 75% of Americans thought the government was out of its lane, and if that bloc was like I was, we didn’t want to be hearing about such a private matter in the first place.

    Jena is different, not only because the media ignored the whole thing for quite a while, but because the protest effort was a grassroots phenomenon.

    Justice must be blind. Regardless of racially contrived statistics, if we are to look at the world from your perspective, justice is impossible to begin with.

    The kid that was beaten…he showed up at a school function later that night. Being almost murdered by fists, the allegation, doesn’t fit.

    What are you a doctor of?

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