Even Bush is getting on the health care bandwagon?

Looks like George Bush is starting to think about health care, maybe he is hoping it will make people forget about Iraq, or maybe it is his “only nixon can go to China moment” chances are he will screw it up and some how the only benificiary of the program will be Haliburton; but here is what he had to say:

President Bush would like to see some form of universal health coverage for all Americans before leaving office next year, a Cabinet official said Monday.

In an interview with the USA Today Editorial Board, Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt said Mr. Bush likely will veto a measure working its way through Congress that will add $35 billion over five years to the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.

But, Mr. Leavitt said, the president would “like to see the larger debate begin” regarding health care – an emerging issue in the next election.

“The very best opportunity we have may well be in the next 15 months,” he said.

See the entire article here 

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One Response to Even Bush is getting on the health care bandwagon?

  1. John Rove says:

    After looking at the article again it seems like the main reason Bush is talking about universal health care is so he will have an excuse to veto additional funds for the states childrens health insurance. Bush is going to be a class act to the very end.

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