Chuck Hagel on Petraeus/War Policy

I’ve been trying to rip Hagel’s speech and questions to Petraeus and Crocker at last week’s day 2 hearing from CSPAN’s website, but my computer is barely a step up from an abacus, so every time I try, only the first 25 seconds is produced. On this score, the blogsphere hasn’t been all its cracked up to be…the community shit the bed here, as Hagel’s speech is nowhere to be found, yet those of about 10 other senators were. I don’t know if it’s because he’s a Republican or what, but he stole the show as far as I could tell, and that fact became even more obvious upon a review of that hearing on CSPAN’s website that night. It really sucks that his words weren’t given the time they deserved in the corporate news or on radio, but it sucks even more that there wasn’t a youtube up of it. That’s pathetic. As a consolation, here’s his interview on Bill Maher’s show this weekend.

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