Army of Dude, Back Home

I know that some of you have bookmarked the ‘Army of Dude‘ blog, and I wanted to pass along that he’s done with the 15 months in Iraq.  His father posted a comment saying he’s home safe and sound.  If you haven’t yet read any of his work, get over there and check it out.  Great writing and of course, a first hand account of what’s what in Iraq. 

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One Response to Army of Dude, Back Home

  1. Thanks, I’d never been there before your post. But the kid sounds a little misdirected–maybe it was his public education (I went to public school until college, but my private college was looking for government grants, so they weren’t completely private):

    I graduated from high school in May of 2003 and had already decided that the Army was what I wanted to experience. I grew up reading books about Audie Murphy and Patton and devouring volumes of war history. I felt it was a needed shot to the arm to my fading motivation and direction in life. I enlisted for three years on August 5, 2004 as an infantryman.

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