Eric the Midget Returns!

eric the midgetHoward: “Eric, you’ve got to know that it’s not proper to be calling Diana Degarmo’s mother at her house and constantly asking to meet with her daughter.”

My brother emailed me earlier today with a message titled – HE’S BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK – which read, “Make sure you grab the show tomorrow, Eric was back on today. He’s apparently been stalking another American idol chick but has been calling the ladies mom all day trying to get through to her… it’s a riot!”

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Eric the Midget, and his participation on Howard Stern’s show, I’ll try to fill you in. He’s a tiny guy in a wheelchair who loves American Idol, and has a tendency to get roped into bit after bit when he calls in. The song parodies they’ve churned out using his voice are all hillarious, but the genius of all this is how he’s compelled to call in, usually pissed off and ready to cut all ties, only to get diverted onto another topic, always funny…like one time he called in after not showing up for an Idol taping, where Howard had reached out to Jimmy Kimmell to score tickets for him and a friend. The explaination of why he didn’t show up, and how it’s bad for Howard to be asking for favors only to Eric make him look bad, is a great 15 minutes of radio, and then while that’s going on, a porn star who runs a web site that Eric pays $30 bucks a month to be a member of is suddenly on the line, and she has phone sex with him…the bit is only funny if you can hear his voice, but this is a scenario that will play out in real time over the radio.

He’d finally had enough a month or two ago and posted on the message board that he wasn’t ever going to call in again. The guy cracked, and it’s all over the fact that he’s suddenly decided to become a writer and has been stalking an American Idol contestant, hoping they’d agree to host Eric and his parents down in Atlanta for some kind of an interview. The point in posting this here, is that for some reason today and yesterday I’d been in a very un-creative mood, which is frustrating. A lack of sleep is part of it, but not the sole cause of it. Anyways, I started listening to the show tonight, and almost immediately I’m back in business. My mood has done a 180. Comedy is medicine in times like these.

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One Response to Eric the Midget Returns!

  1. Zach says:

    hahahah!! awesome graphic!!!!!!!

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