Michael Jackson – Rock With You

(h/t The Largest Minority) From his ‘Off the Wall’ album…anyone want to argue that this album isn’t in the top 5 of all time? Even after I was 100% convinced he was a child molester, this album still remained in the ‘must have no hand’ rotation, and probably goes into the stereo about once a month at least. With the kids especially (disgusting irony), this one and Paul Simon’s ‘Graceland’ are a guaranteed good time.

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One Response to Michael Jackson – Rock With You

  1. Manila Ryce says:

    I couldn’t agree with you more. I’d put “Off the Wall” in the top 5 and possibly “Thriller” in there too. Gotta love those boots too. It’s ashame that he’s not even fit to shine them now. Too bad he couldn’t have died young, at the top of his game.

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