Monthly Archives: September 2007

Cream – Sunshine of Your Love

Christy Hardin Smith posted this to Crooks and Liars.  From 1968 – a sweet Sunday surprise.

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Hersh: The Strategy to SELL a war with Iran

From Think Progress You can sell [this approach]. It’s more logical. You can say to people, the American people, we’re only hitting those people that we think are trying to hit our boys and the coalition forces. And so that … Continue reading

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Voter Fraud in Texas

This is interesting – a news clip from Texas, where the state legislature has a rule on the books saying representatives can’t cast votes for one another, yet the video footage shows many of them casting several votes. Where the … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Video | 7 Comments

The Iran War

This is its genesis right here – text of an amendment to the defense authorization bill (note that paragraphs 3 and 4 were removed from the final version, and 5 remained): (1) that the manner in which the United States … Continue reading

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Support the Troops, Screw the Veterans

This war is becoming more difficult to support in a romantic sense as the bloody months continue to pile up.  What interests me most about true believers today, is that besides the token blather points – “Anbar now has casual … Continue reading

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Deficits don’t matter, right?

At least republicans are consistant in their financial management style, where they borrow and spend and then hope that the Saudis will bail them out, the part about the Saudis bailing them out comes from when George Bush was a CEO. … Continue reading

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Go Rockies!!!

Anyone who has followed this race down the stretch, you know what I’m talking about.  They’re up 2-0 on the Dodgers late in tonight’s game, and if they win, they’d still be a game out of the wild card spot … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Sports | 7 Comments

OSU’s coach Gundy goes apeshit at a press conference

I agree with the guy. Even when it happens in professional sports, it sucks. I’ve been tempted some nights to get on the blog and tear Eric Gagne to pieces, but then I calm down and get over it. When … Continue reading

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Read This Sentencing Memorandum

(Harpers) From a February 26 sentencing memorandum by Judge Gregory R. Todd, in the case of Montana v. Andrew McCormack. In 2006, McCormack was arrested for stealing beer. After entering a guilty plea, he received a sentence of probation, community … Continue reading

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The science of Schiavo

Salon has a lengthy article about how a persons brain may still be functioning while they are in a persistant vegatative state, in some ways this seems to make the idea of keeping these people alive for years even less humane.  Although … Continue reading

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Bill O is a moron

Maybe O’Rielly is not that stupid, he knows his audience and knows how to tell them what they want to hear. On the May 29 edition of his nationally syndicated radio program, host Bill O’Reilly asserted that the “segment of … Continue reading

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A lawyers view of the Jena 6 case

Talkleft takes and in depth look at the Jena 6 case and offers a lawyers opinion in only the way a lawyer can: Like other bloggers, I got a few emails about the case before the march. It wasn’t until the … Continue reading

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Lynch the Jena 6

Former White House press secretary Tony Snow on an October 2003 edition of Fox News Sunday: “Here’s the unmentionable secret: Racism isn’t that big a deal any more. No sensible person supports it. Nobody of importance preaches it. It’s rapidly … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Justice | 2 Comments

Sunday football open thread

Another week of football, the Patriots still look unstoppable, in the NFC, or the JV, Dallas looks to be the early favorite.  See Napoleons picks here 

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Bill O discovers black people eat just like white people

This Boggles the mind: Summary: Discussing his recent dinner with Rev. Al Sharpton at the Harlem restaurant Sylvia’s, Bill O’Reilly reported that he “couldn’t get over the fact that there was no difference between Sylvia’s restaurant and any other restaurant … Continue reading

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JENA – Feet meet pavement

  White kids from the high school hang nooses up on trees on school property, and one of them gets his ass kicked for it.  Something to learn from, nothing too serious, as he was up and about that night, … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Justice | 13 Comments

The US economy soaring, like the Hindenburg

Looks like the Dollar is getting even lower when compared to the Euro.  I seem remember that at one point traveling abroad was cheaper because of the strength of the Dollar, not to mention the fact that a Ducati motorcycle … Continue reading

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Even Bush is getting on the health care bandwagon?

Looks like George Bush is starting to think about health care, maybe he is hoping it will make people forget about Iraq, or maybe it is his “only nixon can go to China moment” chances are he will screw it … Continue reading

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The Webb Amendment

Jim Webb is one hell of a leader, and this time around, Repubicans are going to have a tough time claiming to care about the troops if they filibuster. This bill would give the troops equal recovery time to how … Continue reading

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Hilary care revisted

Ezera Klien has a full discussion of Hilary Clinton’s health care proposal, this I think summarizes it well:  Let me try and give a quick sketch of the Clinton proposal before I have to run for a meeting. Here’s the … Continue reading

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Chuck Hagel on Petraeus/War Policy

I’ve been trying to rip Hagel’s speech and questions to Petraeus and Crocker at last week’s day 2 hearing from CSPAN’s website, but my computer is barely a step up from an abacus, so every time I try, only the … Continue reading

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Watching the pile-on this weekend, I finally understand how it must feel to be a Republican right now. The only comment I have on all of this is…who the hell signed Emmitt Smith up for Sunday Countdown? Did they notice … Continue reading

Posted in Comedy, Sports, Video | 2 Comments

Buy Gold – Junk Bonds

FED set to cut rates on Tuesday – The dollar is already going in the wrong direction, and a .25 or .50 rate cut this week will lower its value even more. I sold one of my three US securities … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Economics | 1 Comment

Beastie Boys – So What’cha Want?

From ‘Check Your Head’, one that came out when I was a freshman in high school, and a couple of us had the record memorized in about two weeks. At the time I figured this video was the coolest shit … Continue reading

Posted in Music, Video | 9 Comments

A chickehawk with his head cutoff

Josh Marshall gives a very succinct summary of the presidents speech on Iraq: But with respect to the president’s cartoonish babble, like I said, whatever. I know this reads like an expression of cynicism or disengagement. But while the president’s … Continue reading

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LEAVE ________ ALONE! (it begins)

To coincide with the post a bit further down from a couple days ago, the “LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!” video, we now have the first parody.

Posted in Comedy, Video | 2 Comments

Is it time to reduce our baby emissions?

Slate has an article discussing the benefits of reducing the number of people born every year.  I am suprised that this this is so contraversial, it seems to make a lot of sense that if people had fewer children not … Continue reading

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Walter Cronkite after the Tet Offensive, 1968

h/t to Blue Gal over at Crooks and Liars

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Army of Dude, Back Home

I know that some of you have bookmarked the ‘Army of Dude‘ blog, and I wanted to pass along that he’s done with the 15 months in Iraq.  His father posted a comment saying he’s home safe and sound.  If … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 1 Comment

Phish with Jay-Z – 99 Problems, Big Pimpin’

Brooklyn, 2004-06-18

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