Monthly Archives: August 2007

Videos – 4 for $0.00

Bernie Sanders (I-VT) fights Bush Nominee on WalMart tax breaks The History of Nixon and the Future of Cheney TDS-Gonzo-Mountain (Hillarious!)

Posted in Comedy, Politics, Video | 2 Comments

Patriots Who Love the Troops to Death

(FRANK RICH) …As is becoming clearer than ever in this Korffian endgame, hiding behind the troops is the last refuge of this war’s sponsors. This too is a rewrite of history. It has been the war’s champions who have more … Continue reading

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At the Beach

Here’s Sam running around

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Tom Snyder RIP

My most (and really only) memorable Tom Snyder moment for me was when he covered for Bob Costas and interviewed Howard Stern in 1991 – Bask in the hostility (4 parts):

Posted in Comedy, Video | 1 Comment

The Bush administration’s code of silence

by Sidney Blumenthal (Guardian UK)Omertà (or code of silence) has become the final bond holding the Bush administration together. Honesty is dishonourable; silence is manly; penitence is weakness. Loyalty trumps law. Protecting higher-ups is patriotism. Stonewalling is idealism. Telling the … Continue reading

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Ted Kennedy on Health Care

The boys were upstairs for their nap, and I was struggling energy-wise in a bad way due to back to back 3AM school nights (drinking coffee right now at 11PM, so…). These days I like to get some work done … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Video | 10 Comments

Hysterical Blindness

(Reuters) The FBI and IRS have searched the home of Republican Sen. Ted Stevens in a ski resort in Alaska as part of an investigation into his links with an oil-services company, officials said on Monday. …that might make your … Continue reading

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